Overview Talks

Yasha's talk about deriving the quantum measurement postulates, at the Qubits and Spacetime group meeting

Yasha's talk for the Cosmological Correlators workshop, September 2020, about the scattering problem in the observable patch of de Sitter space  

Mirian's talk for the group meeting: A brief intorduction to orientifold constructions. Part 1 (20/04/2020) and Part 2 (27/04/2020), Zoom

Slides Part 1 (PDF)
Slides Part 2 (PDF)

Yasha's plenary talk at ICGAC-IK conference in Seoul, 2017
This is an overview of my research program, aimed at a general physics audience.

Slides in PDF

A mini-course on higher-spin gravity by Yasha. Perimeter Institute, 2015 (three 1-hour lectures).

Video via Perimeter's online archive (PIRSA)