
The OIST Center for Quantum Technologies (OCQT) is the first thematic cluster established at OIST in 2022 to feature and support interdisciplinary research in the quantum domain. We have seen fundamental changes in the way we live through the development of quantum technologies in the last half century with examples including computer processors and medical imaging. The current rapid developments in quantum information science and technologies are expected to bring a new technological revolution, the so called the “Second Quantum Revolution”. Quantum computation and quantum enabled security are several examples, however these quantum technologies are likely to change each and every aspect in our Internet of Things (IoT) society. They will enable new ways to generate, transmit, communicate, compute, process, and protect such data.

At OIST, we have a strong history in quantum science research. Establishing OCQT, we make a significant step forward towards the realization of quantum technologies with real world impact, as well as deepening our understanding and manipulation of this exotic quantum world. Measurement is the basis of science and technology, and detecting what we could not see before will open up a new technological world previously not accessible. Information processing is now behind all the scientific disciplines. Changing these fundamentally in each field will significantly advance those fields huge as well as create new scientific and technological ones. OCQT strongly supports collaboration across these different scientific disciplines.

Our research focuses around but of course is not limited to quantum computation, quantum communication, quantum sensing, quantum cryptography, and cyber security in the quantum era. We invite researchers both within and outside the quantum fields to join us to conduct new exciting interdisciplinary research. The OCQT provides various opportunities for you to pursue such research goals together. For more details, please visit our event and open position webpages.

Center Director
Prof. Kae Nemoto

OIST | Quantum
OCQT Members
OCQT Projects
Open Positions