Research Intern (Feb-Aug.2023)
PhD student (May-Dec. 2024)
Research Intern (Feb-Aug.2023)
PhD student (May-Dec. 2024)
Research Intern
Staff Scientist
Currently, working for the federal institute for risk assessment “Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung (BfR)” in Berlin, Germany.
Rotation student
Currently PhD Student at OIST
Research Intern
Currently PhD Student at the Centre for Genomic Regulation
Research Intern
Currently PhD Student at Minnesota University
Rotation Student
Currently PhD Student at OIST
Postdoctoral Scholar
Currently a Buribushi Fellow in OIST.
Rotation Student
Currently PhD Student at OIST
Research Intern
Currently undergraduate at University of Massachusetts Lowell
Rotation Student
Currently a Ph.D. student in OIST.
Research Intern (Jan.-Mar.2018 / Sep.-Dec.2018)
PhD Student (2018-2023)
Currently post doc at Uni Lausanne and ETHZ
Rotation Student
Currently a Ph.D. student in OIST.
Intern student
Currently master student at Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico.
Staff Scientist
Visiting researcher in OIST (May 2023- May 2024)
Currently PI at the University of Perugia.
Postdoctoral Scholar
Currently scientist at phasebiolabs (UK).
Rotation Student
Currently Ph.D. candidate in OIST.
Intern Student
Postdoctoral Scholar
Currently Postdoctoral Scholar at Charles University (Czech Republic).
Rotation Student
Currently a Ph.D. student in OIST.
Research Intern
Currently master student in University of Copenhagen.
JSPS Fellow / Research Intern
Currently Ph.D. student in ETHZ, Switzerland
Intern Student
Postdoctoral Scholar
Intern Student
Currently a Ph.D. student in OIST.
Intern Student
Currently PhD stundent at Institute of Applied Microbiology, RWTH AAchen University, Germany.
Intern Student
Master Student
Intern Student
Intern Student
Rotation Student
Research Intern