Conferences & Workshops Symposium Facet Conference Type 2024 Facet Conference Year Facet Specialty クリア Symposium OIST-CNRS Joint Symposium on West Pacific Marine Biology Life emerged and diversified first in the oceans. However, a large part of the fascinating diversity of marine life remains to be described and understood since many of the species and their biology are still unknown. 主催者 海洋生態進化発生生物学ユニット 2024年4月23日 - 2024年4月26日
Symposium OIST-CNRS Joint Symposium on West Pacific Marine Biology Life emerged and diversified first in the oceans. However, a large part of the fascinating diversity of marine life remains to be described and understood since many of the species and their biology are still unknown. 主催者 海洋生態進化発生生物学ユニット 2024年4月23日 - 2024年4月26日