身体性認知科学ユニット 身体性認知科学ユニットでは、エージェントと環境のインタラクションは単に認知の産物ではなく、むしろ認知に不可欠な要素であるという仮説を検証しています。エージェントの心は、当のエージェントが身体性をもつことと社会・文化・技術によって媒介される外界の環境から深く影響を受けて形づくられます。コンピュータ・サイエンスと複雑系の交差から生まれる方法を用いて、本仮説から予想される帰結を、適応行動から人間の思考まで様々なスケールでモデル化し、検証します。社会的認知や依存症、ヒューマン・コンピュータ・インタラクションなどへの応用が期待されます。 研究機器 ECSUチ-ム Publications International Conference on Embodied Cognitive Science 参加者募集のお知らせ プロジェクト 年次報告 今後のイベント ユニットのニュース 教員 トム・フロース シェア: ユニットのポスト Dr. Putri attended ESCAN 2024 in Belgium Ochanomizu University Senior High School visited our lab! (2024-04-18) Seminar series by Dr. Tom Froese: Irruption Theory Mindscapes: Culture, AI, and Human Minds Workshop (2024-03-12) Cosmic ray and Life project (2024-03-04 thru 06) ECSU hosted Professor Iwin Leenen New Paper: Do Digital Hugs Work? (2023-08-09) Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, we were led to social isolation, restricting some from physical touch and social gatherings. New Preprint: The Energetics of Locomotion (2023-07-11) Dr. Andrés Mejía presents a biomechanical framework for studying human and animal movement across the landscape in his latest preprint on bioRxiv. New Preprint: Reviewing Neurophenomenology (2023-07-05) Dr. Tom Froese and ECSU Research Intern alumnus Jon Sykes takek a critical look at neurophenomenology’s revolutionary ambitions in their recent preprint on PsyArXiv (in French). New Preprint: The Neolithic in Lower Central America (2023-06-12) Dr. Andrés Mejía presents a meta-analysis of the Neolithic Transition in Costa Rica and Panama in his latest preprint on SocArXiv (in Spanish). New Paper: Introducing Irruption Theory (2023-05-02) Dr. Tom Froese recently published "Irruption Theory: A Novel Conceptualization of the Enactive Account of Motivated Activity" in the jounral Entropy. New paper out! (2023-02-02) Natalya Weber recently presented and published her work in IEEE. Most research on the self-optimization model has focused on network sizes on the order of a hundred nodes. New preprint out! Brains and bees! (2022-10-31) Ivan Shpurov has been working with bees and he presents his latest work in this new preprint which suggests commonalities between neural activity in the brain and collective behaviour in honey bees. Participating in the 28th EAJS symposium Dr. Froese will participate in the 28th East Asia Joint Symposium on Biomedical Research organized by Shanghai Institute for Advanced Immunochemical Studies at the Shanghai Tech University. September's birthday celebration (2022-10-05) This month, our unit celebrated the birthday of two members, Yi-Shan and Eric. Perfect occasion to highlight their project in the unit. Participating in an upcoming symposium in Tokyo Dr. Froese will be participating in a upcoming symposium on "Body Schema, Arts, and Social Participation" in Tokyo, Japan. もっと見る ユニットのニュース デジタル・ハグは有効か? オンライン上で有意義な社会的つながりを育む方法を調査しました。 OISTとFC琉球、サッカー選手を脳科学でサポートすることを目指し連携 OISTとFC琉球が連携します。脳科学の知見を活かし、将来的にプロアスリートのパフォーマンス向上にも貢献できるプロジェクトを目指します。 ソーシャル・ディスタンシングの経験を探る コロナ禍において社会的孤立がもたらす見えざる損失を解明しようと研究者たちが挑んでいます。 科学で探る心の性質 心の本質を探求し、社会への応用を目指す研究チームを紹介。 もっと見る 会議・ワークショップ Symposium International Conference on Embodied Cognitive Science 2023 Embodied cognitive science has made great progress in theorising and empirically investigating how cognition emerges in the relationship between bodies and environments. 主催者 身体性認知科学ユニット 2023年11月13日 - 2023年11月17日 Symposium International Conference on Embodied Cognitive Science 2022 The International Conference on Embodied Cognitive Science 2022: Interaction Matters (ECogS 2022) will bring together approaches that are theoretically and methodologically diverse yet united in their commitment to an alte 主催者 身体性認知科学ユニット 2022年11月7日 - 2022年11月11日 もっと見る 専門分野 人工知能 複雑系 計算機科学 神経科学 心理学 同分野の研究ユニット Collective Dynamics and Quantum Transport 将来型暗号ユニット 生物の非線形力学データサイエンス研究ユニット Machine Learning and Data Science Unit 応用暗号ユニット 進化神経生物学ユニット 生物システムユニット 分子神経科学ユニット 膜協同性ユニット ネットワーク型量子デバイスユニット 研究ユニットを探す
New Paper: Do Digital Hugs Work? (2023-08-09) Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, we were led to social isolation, restricting some from physical touch and social gatherings.
New Preprint: The Energetics of Locomotion (2023-07-11) Dr. Andrés Mejía presents a biomechanical framework for studying human and animal movement across the landscape in his latest preprint on bioRxiv.
New Preprint: Reviewing Neurophenomenology (2023-07-05) Dr. Tom Froese and ECSU Research Intern alumnus Jon Sykes takek a critical look at neurophenomenology’s revolutionary ambitions in their recent preprint on PsyArXiv (in French).
New Preprint: The Neolithic in Lower Central America (2023-06-12) Dr. Andrés Mejía presents a meta-analysis of the Neolithic Transition in Costa Rica and Panama in his latest preprint on SocArXiv (in Spanish).
New Paper: Introducing Irruption Theory (2023-05-02) Dr. Tom Froese recently published "Irruption Theory: A Novel Conceptualization of the Enactive Account of Motivated Activity" in the jounral Entropy.
New paper out! (2023-02-02) Natalya Weber recently presented and published her work in IEEE. Most research on the self-optimization model has focused on network sizes on the order of a hundred nodes.
New preprint out! Brains and bees! (2022-10-31) Ivan Shpurov has been working with bees and he presents his latest work in this new preprint which suggests commonalities between neural activity in the brain and collective behaviour in honey bees.
Participating in the 28th EAJS symposium Dr. Froese will participate in the 28th East Asia Joint Symposium on Biomedical Research organized by Shanghai Institute for Advanced Immunochemical Studies at the Shanghai Tech University.
September's birthday celebration (2022-10-05) This month, our unit celebrated the birthday of two members, Yi-Shan and Eric. Perfect occasion to highlight their project in the unit.
Participating in an upcoming symposium in Tokyo Dr. Froese will be participating in a upcoming symposium on "Body Schema, Arts, and Social Participation" in Tokyo, Japan.
OISTとFC琉球、サッカー選手を脳科学でサポートすることを目指し連携 OISTとFC琉球が連携します。脳科学の知見を活かし、将来的にプロアスリートのパフォーマンス向上にも貢献できるプロジェクトを目指します。
Symposium International Conference on Embodied Cognitive Science 2023 Embodied cognitive science has made great progress in theorising and empirically investigating how cognition emerges in the relationship between bodies and environments. 主催者 身体性認知科学ユニット 2023年11月13日 - 2023年11月17日
Symposium International Conference on Embodied Cognitive Science 2022 The International Conference on Embodied Cognitive Science 2022: Interaction Matters (ECogS 2022) will bring together approaches that are theoretically and methodologically diverse yet united in their commitment to an alte 主催者 身体性認知科学ユニット 2022年11月7日 - 2022年11月11日