Publications by unit members

In Review/Preprints 

Gilbert KJ, Armitage DW, Bauer U, Fukushima K, Gaume L, Love R, Lin Q, Liu S, Martin-Eberhardt S, Millett J, Renner T, Scharmann M, Thorogood C. (in review) Construction costs and tradeoffs in carnivorous pitcher leaves: towards a pitcher leaf economic spectrum. Preprint

Nakagawa S, Armitage DW, Froese T, Yang Y, Lagisz M. (in review) Poor hypotheses and research waste in biology: learning from a theory crisis in psychology. Preprint

Orr JA, Armitage DW, Letten AD. (in review) Coexistence theory for microbial ecology, and vice versa. Preprint

Dong T, Lin Y, Yang YQ, Lu SY, Wang L, Li DF, Zhong ND, Huang QX, Donald ML, Armitage DW, Wang Q. (in review) Warming driven shifts in floral traits cause female-biased functional mismatch in a bumblebee-pollinated plant. Draft available on request.


Zhu Z, Yuan M-Z, Armitage DW, Ma C-S (2025) Responses of a widespread pest insect to extreme high temperatures are stage-specific and divergent among seasonal cohorts. Functional Ecology. Open Access Link.

Miryeganeh MArmitage DW (2024) Epigenetic responses of trees to environmental stress in the context of climate change. Biological Reviews. Open access link.

Armitage DW (2024) To remain modern the coexistence program requires modern statistical rigour. Nature 632: E15-E20 


Terry, JCD, Armitage DW (2024) Widespread analytical pitfalls in empirical coexistence studies and a checklist for improving their statistical robustness. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. Open access link

Ross SRP-J, Friedman NR, Dudley KL, Yoshita T, Yoshimura M, Economo EP, Armitage DW, Donohue I (2024) Divergent ecological responses to typhoon disturbance revealed via landscape-scale acoustic monitoring. Global Change Biology 31:e17067. Open access link

Armitage DW, Carter ME, Choudhury RA, Remus-Emsermann MNP, Morris CE, Leveau JH, Kinkel LL, Dundore-Arias JP. (2023). Predictive ecology and management of phyllosphere microbial communities through cross-scale synthesis. Phytobiomes 7: 145-150. Open access link

Ross SRP-J, Petchey OL, Sasaki T, Armitage DW (2023) How to measure response diversity. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 14: 1150-1167. Open access link

Armitage DW (2022) Global maps of lake surface water temperatures reveal pitfalls of air-for-water substitutions in ecological prediction. Ecography 2023: e06595. Map Data


Armitage DW, Jones SE (2020) Coexistence barriers confine the poleward range of a globally-distributed plant. Ecology Letters 23:1838-1848. 


Liu J, Xu G, Yin L, Xu X, Armitage DW, and Dong T (2020) Invasive plants exert disproportionately negative allelopathic effects on the growth and physiology of the earthworm Eisenia fetidaScience of the Total Environment 747:141534. 


Bertolet BL, West WE, Armitage DW, Jones SE (2019) Organic matter supply and bacterial community composition predict methanogenesis rates in temperate lake sediments. Limnology and Oceanography Letters 4: 164-172. 


Armitage DW, Jones SE (2019) How sample heterogeneity can obscure the signal of microbial interactions. ISME Journal 13: 2639–2646. 


Milton K, Armitage DW, Sousa WP (2019) Successional loss of two key food tree species best explains decline in group size of Panamanian howler monkeys. Biotropica 51: 600-614. 


Armitage DW, Jones SE (2019) Negative frequency-dependent growth underlies the stable coexistence of two cosmopolitan aquatic plants. Ecology 100: e2657 


Monson TA, Armitage DW, Hlusko LJ (2018) Using machine learning to classify extant apes and interpret the dental morphology of the chimpanzee-human last common ancestor. PaleoBios 35: 1-20. 


Armitage DW (2017) Linking the development and functioning of a carnivorous pitcher plant’s microbial digestive community. ISME Journal 11: 2439–2451. 


Thompson LR, et al., Gilbert JA, and Knight R, and EMP Consortium (including Armitage DW) (2017). A communal catalogue reveals Earth's multiscale microbial diversity. Nature 551: 457-463. 


Armitage DW (2016) Bacteria facilitate prey capture by the pitcher plant Darlingtonia californica. Biology Letters. 12: 20160577. 


Armitage DW (2016) Time-variant species pools shape competitive dynamics and diversity-ecosystem function relationships. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 283: 20161437. 


Armitage DW (2016) The cobra's tongue: rethinking the function of the "fishtail" appendage on Darlingtonia californicaAmerican Journal of Botany 103: 780-785. 


Armitage DW (2015) Experimental evidence for a time-integrated effect of productivity on diversity. Ecology Letters 18: 1216–1225. 


Doll HM, Armitage DW, Daly RA, Emerson JB, Goltsman DSA, Yelton A, Kerekes J, Firestone MK, Potts MD (2013) Utilizing novel diversity estimators to quantify multiple dimensions of microbial biodiversity across domains . BMC Microbiology 3:293. 


Armitage DW, Gallagher KG, Youngblut ND, Buckley DH, Zinder SH (2012) Millimeter-scale patterns of phylogenetic and trait diversity in a salt marsh microbial mat. Frontiers in Microbiology 3:293. 


Armitage DW, Ober HK (2012) The effects of prescribed fire on bat communities in the longleaf pine-sandhills ecosystem. Journal of Mammalogy 93:102-114. 


Armitage DW, Ober HK (2010) A comparison of supervised learning algorithms in the classification of bat echolocation calls. Ecological Informatics 5:465-473. 


Callis KL, Christ LR, Resasco J, Armitage DW, Ash JD, Caughlin TT, Clemmensen SF, Copeland SM, Fullman TJ, Lynch RL, Olson C, Pruner RA, Vieira-Neto EHM, West-Singh R, and Bruna EM (2009) Improving Wikipedia: educational opportunity and professional responsibitlity. Trends in Ecol. & Evol. 24:177-178. 


Other papers by unit members

Hasegawa N*, Techer MA*, (20 coauthors), Rasmussen DA*, and Mikheyev AS* (2023) Evolutionarily diverse origins of deformed wing viruses in western honey bees. PNAS 120: e2301258120.

Ross SRP-J, O'Connell DP, Deichmann JL, Desjonqueres C, Gasc A, Phillips JN, Sethi SS, and Burivalova Z.(2023) Passive acoustic monitoring provies a fresh perspective on fundamental ecological questions. Functional Ecology 37: 959-975. Open access link

Yoon, SA, Harrison, JG, Smilanich AM, and Forister ML. (2022) Experimental removal of extracellular egg-associated microbes has long-lasting effects for larval performance. Functional Ecology 36: 3248-3258. Open access link