

  • Nicolò Lo Piparo, Shin Nishio, William J Munro and Kae Nemoto, All the advantages of quantum multiplexing, 55th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, Fort Worth, Texas, USA, June 3–7, (2024)
  • William John Munro, Akitada Sakurai, Aoi Hayashi and Kae Nemoto, Photonic Quantum Extreme Reservoir Computation, CLEO 2024, Charlotte Convention Center, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA, May 05 - 10 (2024)
  • Stefania Sciara, Hao Yu, Mario Chemnitz, Nicola Montaut, Bennet Fischer, Robin Helsten, Benjamin Crockett, Benjamin Wetzel, Thorsten A. Goebel, Ria G. Krämer, Brent E. Little, Sai T. Chu, Stefan Nolte, William J. Munro, David J. Moss, José Azaña, Zhiming Wang and Roberto Morandotti, On-chip Generation and Processing of Ultrafast Time-Entangled Photonic Qudits for Quantum Communications, CLEO 2024, Charlotte Convention Center, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA, May 05 - 10 (2024)
  • P.-Z. Li, J. Dias, W. J. Munro, P. van Loock, K. Nemoto, and N. L. Piparo, Quantum Network Utilizing Multiple Channels Based on Cavity-QED and Continuous-Variable Codes, CLEO 2024, Charlotte Convention Center, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA, May 05 - 10 (2024)


Coming soon


  • (Invited) Thomas Scruby “Local Probabilistic Decoding of a Quantum Code” YITP Quantum Error Correction Workshop, Kyoto, Japan, March 30 (2023)
  • (Invited Lecture) 根本香絵これからの大学の役割とOIST量子技術センターの取組み", 戦略的イノベーション創造プログラム(SIP)3期課題候補『先進的量子技術基盤の社会課題への応用促進』公開シンポジウム, OIST, Okinawa, Japan, March 23 (2023)
  • (Invited) Henry L. Nourse “Strong electronic correlations in coordination polymers with density functional theory and slave bosons” JPS 2023 Spring Meeting (session JPS-60071-3), Online, Japan, March 22 (2023)
  • (Invited) Thomas Scruby “Designing Hardware and Software for Linear-Time Quantum Logic” YITP Quantum Error Correction Workshop, Kyoto, Japan, March 22 (2023)
  • Aoi Hayashi “量子ニューラルネットワークにおける量子特徴マップの解析” The 70th JSAP Spring Meeting 2023, Tokyo, Japan, March 16 (2023)
  • Peizhe Li “Performance of Rotation-Symmetric Bosonic Codes in a Quantum Repeater Scheme based on Cavity-QED” The 70th JSAP Spring Meeting 2023, Tokyo, Japan, March 15 (2023)
  • Josephine Dias “Reservoir-assisted energy migration in hybrid quantum systems” Quantum Materials Seminar, Berkeley, USA, March 14 (2023)
  • Josephine Dias “Reservoir-assisted energy migration in hybrid quantum systems” APS March Meeting 2023, Las Vegas, Nevada, March 8 (2023)
  • Akitada Sakurai “Utilizing quantum dynamics for reservoircomputing” CQuERE seminar, Centre for Quantum Engineering, Research and Education, West Bengal, India, March 2 (2023)
  • (Invited Lecture) 根本香絵, “パネルディスカッション「量子技術の社会実装への期待」(パネリスト) ", 光・量子飛躍フラッグシッププログラム(Q-LEAP)5回シンポジウム, Tokyo, Japan, February 28 (2023)
  • Akitada Sakurai “New dynamical phases on spin-network inspired by DTTS breaking“ CQuERE seminar, Centre for Quantum Engineering, Research and Education, West Bengal, India, February 27 (2023)
  • Akitada Sakurai “Utilizing quantum dynamics for reservoircomputing” JSPS Japan-Singapore Joint seminar 2023, Tokyo, Japan, February 21 (2023)
  • Aoi Hayashi, “Quantum feature maps in quantum neural networks”, JSPS Japan-Singapore Joint seminar 2023, Tokyo, Japan (February 21, 2023)
  • Peizhe Li “Performance of Rotation-Symmetric Bosonic Codes in a Quantum Repeater Scheme based on Cavity-QED” JSPS Japan-Singapore Joint seminar, Tokyo, Japan, February 20 (2023)
  • (Invited Lecture) Kae Nemoto, ”Quantum dynamics and machine learning”, ML4Q Concepts seminar series (Online), University of Cologne, Germany, University of Cologne, German, February 9 (2023)
  • (Invited Lecture) Kae Nemoto, 量子技術について, Okinawa Konwakai 33rd General Meeting, OIST, Okinawa, Japan, January 18 (2023)
  • (Invited) Kae Nemoto “Towards the simplest quantum computation “, 24th Australian Institute of Physics Congress, Adelaide, Australia, December 13 (2022)
  • (Invited) Josephine Dias “Quantum repeater for continuous-variable entanglement distribution” Quantum Innovation 2022, Tokyo, Online, November 29 (2022)
  • (Invited) Kae Nemoto, “Can NISQ processors be ever useful?” The 1st Conference on Quantum Sciences and Technology, (ConQuest2022), (Virtual conference), Indonesia, November 22 (2022)
  • (Invited Lecture) Kae Nemoto, “OISTの量子科学技術の取り組み”, 科学技術と経済の会(JATES)「量子技術研究会」, OIST, Okinawa, Japan, November 22 (2022)
  • Akitada Sakurai “Utilizing quantum dynamics for reservoircomputing” OIST Center for Quantum Technologies Mini Symposium, Okinawa, Japan, November 9 (2022)
  • (Keynote Presentation) Kae Nemoto “Quantum computer architecture: from NISQ processors to fault-tolerant quantum computers” Quantum Innovation 2022, Tokyo, Online, November 28 (2022)
  • Shin Nishio “Reducing the resources needed to implement quantum error correction codes using quantum multiplexing” The 15th Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO Pacific Rim, CLEO-PR 2022), Sapporo, Japan, August 5 (2022)
  • (Invited) Kae Nemoto, “Quantum computation on scale-free networks in the Hilbert space” QCMC 2022 International Conference on Quantum Communication, Measurement and Computing, Lisbon, Portugal, July 12 (2022)
  • Shin Nishio “Bridging the gap between theory and implementation via system software construction for quantum computing” Nano Korea 2022 Satellite Session II IBM Quantum Young Scientist, Gyeonggi-do, Korea, July 8 (2022)
  • Shin Nishio “InQuIR: Intermediate Representation for Interconnected Quantum Computers” The 4th International Workshop on Quantum Resource Estimation (QRE2022) co-located with International Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA), New York, USA, June 18 (2022)
  • (Invited) Kae Nemoto, “Quantum Internet Stack” Quantum 2.0 Conference and Exhibition, Massachusetts, USA (Tutorial), June 13 (2022)