FY2015 Visitors


  • Mar 21- Mar 30 Tara Hennessy
  • Mar 07 - Mar 18 Peter Engels (Professor, Washington State University, USA)
  • Jan 24 - Feb 27 Thomas Dowdall (PhD Student, University College Cork, Ireland)
  • Feb 07 - Feb 20 Nicola Lo Gullo (Post-doc, University of Padua, Italy)
  • Feb 07 - Feb 20 Ilya Sinayskiy (Researcher, NITheP and University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa)
  • Jan 07 - Jan 08 Ray-Kuang Lee (Professor, National Tsing-Hua University, Taiwan)


  • Oct 26 - Oct 30 Shane Dooley (Postdoc, National Institute of Informatics, Japan)
  • Oct 09 - Oct 24 Ayaka Usui ( Master Student, Osaka City University, Japan)
  • Aug 16 - Aug 20 Carlo Barenghi ( Professor, Newcastle University, UK)
  • Aug 08 - Aug 14 Yun Li (Research Fellow, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia)
  • Jul 08 - Aug 21 Juan Luis Rubio Lopez ( PhD Student, Autonomos University of Barcelona, Spain)
  • Jun 17 - Aug 15 Jordi Mompart (Associate Professor, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain)
  • Jun 07 - Jun 09 Eriko Kaminishi (Post-doc, The University of Tokyo, Japan)
  • May 14 - May 15 Toshiya Kinoshita (Associate Professor, Kyoto University, Japan)
  • Apr 04 - Apr 28 Thomás Fogarty (Post-doc, Saarland University, Germany)
  • Apr 05 - Apr 10 Peter Krüger  (Professor, The University of Nottingham, UK)