Paleontology and the Diversity of Life

Course Aim

A survey of the Tree of Life and evolution through the fossil record

Course Description

In this course we will survey the biodiversity of life on Earth and the characteristics of important groups organisms, largely from the viewpoint of the fossil record. We will explore the evolution life through deep time, i.e. all 4.6 billion years of the planet’s existence, with an emphasis on the rise of complex life in the last 540 million years. Students will be introduced to the tree of life and major groups in the ocean and on land, and the influences of ecology, biogeography, mass extinction and other factors on the evolution of modern forms. We will also discuss the use of fossils to solve diverse questions in multiple fields, including ecology, evolutionary biology, environmental science, and geology, and the application of cutting-edge methods to the fossil record. Following the first session, this course will consist of discussions sessions based on readings and questions submitted on Teams, followed by a lecture introducing new concepts and methods. Take-home exams will consist of short essay prompts about either the evolutionary history of specific groups (Exam 1) or major events or time intervals (Exam 2), and will require use of the paleontological or biodiversity literature.

Course Contents

Week 1 Evolution and Natural Selection, Fossilization and Taphonomy
Week 2 Taxonomy and Fossil Description, The Tree of Life
Week 3 Introduction to Single-Celled Life and Animals
Week 4 Mollusks and Arthropods
Week 5 Early Vertebrates and Modern Fishes
Week 6 Amphibians, Reptiles, Birds and Mammals
Week 7 Plants, Fungi and Other Multicellular Life
Take-Home Exam 1
Week 8 The Origins of Life and Precambrian Paleontology
Week 9 The Cambrian Explosion and Ordovician Biodiversification
Week 10 Paleozoic Mass Extinctions and Life on Land
Week 11 Mesozoic Revolutions
Week 12 Cenozoic Hothouse and Ice Age.
Take-Home Exam 2


The grade will be based on attendance and engagement (33%), weekly written questions and comments for discussion (homework; 33%; 2 hours a week), and two take-home exams (33%).
Letter grades ABCF will be based on rounded percentage grades

Prerequisites or Prior Knowledge

Basic knowledge of and interest in biology or evolution required, undergraduate biology coursework preferred.


NEW from AY2025, alternates with A321 Macroevolution