長瀧 重博
宇宙という存在自体が謎であり、私達は宇宙を思う時、神秘を感じずにはいられません。また宇宙には多くの不思議な現象、謎の天体が存在し、私達はこれらの存在に直面するとき、 人智を超えた遥かなるものに触れたと思わずにはいられません。 しかしながらそれを神秘とせず、人智を超えた存在とせず、人類の叡智を以ってこれの理解にあたる学問を宇宙物理学と呼びます。私達は物理学、大型計算機、 観測機器という道具を用いて、これらの現象の解明に取り組みます。 もちろん宇宙にはまだ発見すらされていない、未知の現象にさえ富んでいます。 私達はこれら発見されていない現象にも興味を持ち、その存在を推定し、観測可能性すら検討します。
List of selected publications
- Nagataki, Shigehiro; Hashimoto, Masa-aki; Sato, Katsuhiko; Yamada, Shoichi “Explosive Nucleosynthesis in Axisymmetrically Deformed Type II Supernovae” The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 486, Issue 2, pp. 1026-1035 (1997).
- Ono, Masaomi; Nagataki, Shigehiro; Ferrand, Gilles; Takahashi, Koh; Umeda, Hideyuki; Yoshida, Takashi; Orlando, Salvatore; Miceli, Marco “Matter Mixing in Aspherical Core-collapse Supernovae: Three-dimensional Simulations with Single-star and Binary Merger Progenitor Models for SN 1987A” The Astrophysical Journal, Volume 888, Issue 2, id.111, 40 pp. (2020).
- Orlando, S.; Wongwathanarat, A.; Janka, H. -T.; Miceli, M.; Ono, M.; Nagataki, S.; Bocchino, F.; Peres, G. “The fully developed remnant of a neutrino-driven supernova. Evolution of ejecta structure and asymmetries in SNR Cassiopeia A” Astronomy & Astrophysics, Volume 645, id.A66, 32 pp. (2021).
- Sato, Toshiki; Maeda, Keiichi; Nagataki, Shigehiro; Yoshida, Takashi; Grefenstette, Brian; Williams, Brian J.; Umeda, Hideyuki; Ono, Masaomi; Hughes, John P. “High-entropy ejecta plumes in Cassiopeia A from neutrino-driven convection” Nature, Volume 592, Issue 7855, p.537-540 (2021).
- Just, O.; Goriely, S.; Janka, H. -Th; Nagataki, S.; Bauswein, A. “Neutrino absorption and other physics dependencies in neutrino-cooled black hole accretion discs” Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 509, Issue 1, pp.1377-1412 (2022).
Sep. 2002 – Mar. 2004
Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, The University of Tokyo
Mar. 2004 – Mar. 2013
Associate Professor, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University
Apr. 2013 – Present
Associate Chief Scientist (until Mar.2017)/Chief Scientist of Astrophysical Big Bang Laboratory, RIKEN
Nov. 2016 – Present
Deputy Program Director of Interdisciplinary Theoretical and Mathematical Sciences Program (iTHEMS), RIKEN
Gold Medalist, National Junior High School Achievement Tests Sponsored by Yoyogi Seminar
Silver Medalist, National Junior High School Achievement Tests Sponsored by Yoyogi Seminar
Adjunct Professorship of University of Science and Technology of China
Visiting Professorship of School of Physics, Nuclear Energy Engineering, Beihang University, China
Visiting Professorship of School of Science, Rikkyo University, Japan

長瀧 重博
Mar. 1993, Bachelor of Science, The University of Tokyo
Mar. 1995, Master of Science, The University of Tokyo
Mar. 1998, Doctor of Science, The University of Tokyo