A103 |
Stochastic Processes with Applications |
3 |
2 |
シモーネ・ピゴロッティ |
Calculus, Fourier transforms, probability theory, scientific programming in Python.
Students must install the Jupyter notebook
A104 |
Vector and Tensor Calculus |
1 |
2 |
エリオット・フリード |
Multivariate calculus and linear (or, alternatively, matrix) algebra
Alternate years course, odd years alternates with A112
A105 |
Nonlinear Waves: Theory and Simulation |
2 |
2 |
イミル・トゥベール |
Mathematics for engineers and physicists
A106 |
Computational Mechanics |
3 |
2 |
マルコ・エドアルド・ロスティ |
Partial differential equations.
Some knowledge of Python, MATLAB or other language is preferred.
A107 |
Lie Algebras |
1 |
2 |
リロン・スペイヤ |
Solid undergraduate linear algebra. Confident in following and constructing proofs. Some prior knowledge of the representation theory of finite groups is helpful but not completely necessary. Discuss this carefully with your academic mentor.
Alternate years course: AY2024
A108 |
Partial Differential Equations |
3 |
2 |
チン・リュウ(柳 青) |
Single-variable and multi-variable calculus, Linear algebra, ordinary differential equations, real analysis, or equivalent knowledge.
A110 |
Measure Theory and Integration |
1 |
2 |
シャオダン・ジョウ |
B36 “Introduction to Real Analysis” is recommended but not required. The following is expected prerequisite knowledge: basic set theory, mathematical logic, the fundamental property of real numbers; familiarity with limit definitions, and how to use these definitions in rigorous proofs of sequences, continuity and differentiation of real-valued functions; properties of a supremum (or least upper bound) and infimum (or greatest lower bound); basic topology including the definitions of open, closed, compact sets in the Euclidean space; basic definitions and properties of Riemann integrals. Please contact the instructor at the beginning of the course with questions.
Alternate years course: AY2025
A111 |
Nonlinear Time Series Analysis and Manifold Learning |
3 |
2 |
ジェラルド・パオ |
Python and/or R programming, linear algebra, B49 Dynamical systems
Alternate years course: AY2025
A112 |
Introduction to the Calculus of Variations |
2 |
2 |
エリオット・フリード |
Students should have a robust understanding of undergraduate-level calculus, single and multivariable. Familiarity with differential equations would also be beneficial.
Alternate years course, even years alternates with A104
A113 |
Brain Computation |
3 |
2 |
銅谷 賢治 |
Programming in Python, e.g B50 Introduction to Scientific Computing. Basic knowledge in neuroscience, e.g. B52 Introduction to Neuroscience or A310 Computational Neuroscience, and statistical machine learning, e.g B46 Introduction to Machine Learning or B31 Statistical Tests, is preferred.
NEW for AY2024
A114 |
Functional Analysis |
1 |
2 |
シャオダン・ジョウ |
Single-variable and multi-variable calculus, linear algebra, B36 Real Analysis, A110 Measure Theory, or equivalent.
Different faculty teach this course each year
A115 |
Partial Differential Equations II |
2 |
2 |
ウグル・アブドゥラ |
A114 Functional Analysis and A108 Partial Differential Equations, or equivalent.
A121 |
Nonlinear Time Series Analysis and Manifold Learning Laboratory |
1 |
2 |
ジェラルド・パオ |
Required pass in first theoretical portion of this course, A111 Nonlinear Time series Analysis and Manifold Learning.
Prior deep knowledge of Taken’s theorem-based methods is an absolute prerequisite.
Alternate years: AY2026
Follow-on course from A111 (required)
A203 |
Advanced Optics |
2 |
2 |
シーレ・ニコーマック |
Quantum Mechanics
Alternate years course: AY2024
Enrollment cap of 8 students
A208 |
Bioorganic Chemistry |
2 |
2 |
田中 富士枝 |
Undergraduate organic chemistry and/or biochemistry or related chemistry
A209 |
Ultrafast Spectroscopy |
3 |
2 |
ケシャヴ・ダニ |
B11 Classical Electrodynamics, A203 Advanced Optics
Enrollment cap of 8 students
A211 |
Advances in Atomic Physics |
2 |
2 |
シーレ・ニコーマック |
Quantum Mechanics
companion course to A203 Advanced Optics
Alternate years course, AY2025
Enrollment cap of 8 students
A213 |
Inorganic Electrochemistry |
1 |
2 |
ジュリア・クスヌディノワ |
Undergraduate chemistry
A214 |
Nucleic Acid Chemistry and Engineering |
2 |
2 |
横林 洋平 |
Assumes undergraduate organic chemistry or biochemistry.
A218 |
Condensed Matter Physics |
2 |
2 |
イエジュン・フォン |
Basic quantum mechanics and basic concepts of statistics.
A219 |
General Relativity |
1 |
2 |
ヤーシャ・ネイマン |
Maxwell’s equations in differential form. Solving Maxwell’s equations to obtain electromagnetic waves. Linear algebra of vectors and matrices.
Alternate years course, AY2025
A220 |
New Enzymes by Directed Evolution |
2 |
2 |
パオラ・ラウリーノ |
Undergraduate level biochemistry or molecular biology
Enrollment cap of 8
A221 |
Relativistic Mechanics and Classical Field Theory |
1 |
2 |
ヤーシャ・ネイマン |
Maxwell’s equations in differential form. Solving Maxwell’s equations to obtain electromagnetic waves. Quantum mechanics.
Alternate years course, AY2024
A223 |
Quantum Materials Science |
3 |
2 |
岡田 佳憲 |
Undergraduate level of condensed matter physics
A224 |
The Earth System |
3 |
2 |
御手洗 哲司 |
Undergraduate ordinary and partial differential equations and/or A104 Vector and Tensor Calculus, or equivalent
Course not offered AY2024-AY2026
A225 |
Statistical Mechanics, Critical Phenomena and Renormalization Group |
2 |
2 |
鳥海 玲子 |
Classical Mechanics and Quantum Mechanics to advanced undergraduate level.
A226 |
Synthetic Chemistry for Carbon Nanomaterials |
3 |
2 |
成田 明光 |
Undergraduate-level knowledge of general chemistry; Advanced-level knowledge of organic chemistry.
A227 |
Quantum Engineering – Simulation and Design |
3 |
2 |
ジェイソン・トゥワムリー |
Undergraduate quantum mechanics (full year), especially quantum matrix mechanics for spin, Schrodinger equation (stationary and time dependent), and the operator treatment of the quantum harmonic oscillator.
A228 |
Quantum Many-body Physics |
1 |
2 |
フィリップ・ホーエン |
Quantum Mechanics and ideally Advanced Quantum Theory. A further background in Quantum Field Theory and Statistical Physics is helpful.
A229 |
Statistical Fluctuations and Elements of Physical Kinetics |
2 |
2 |
デニス・コンスタンチノフ |
Statistical Physics (B12) or Statistical Mechanics, Critical Phenomena and Renormalization Group (A225); anything equivalent to a basic course on Nonrelativistic Quantum Mechanics.
A230 |
Quantum Optics for Qubits |
3 |
2 |
高橋 優樹 |
Undergrad-level quantum mechanics and linear algebra
A231 |
Quantum Information and Communication Theory |
2 |
2 |
ダビド・エルコウス |
Linear algebra, probability and statistics. Introductory knowledge of quantum information is helpful, although quantum bits, operations and measurements will be covered here.
A232 |
Introduction to Quantum Cryptography |
2 |
2 |
ダビド・エルコウス |
Linear algebra, probability and statistics. The student will benefit from introductory knowledge on quantum information, though the exposition will include a short introduction to quantum bits, operations and measurements.
NEW from AY2025, alternates with A231 Quantum Information
A303 |
Developmental Biology |
2 |
2 |
政井 一郎 |
Cell biology and/or genetics
A304 |
Evolutionary Developmental Biology |
3 |
2 |
佐藤 矩行 |
Cell biology and/or genetics
A306 |
Neuroethology |
1 |
2 |
杉山(矢崎) 陽子 |
Neuroscience background required
A308 |
Epigenetics |
3 |
2 |
佐瀨 英俊 |
Advanced undergraduate Cell Biology and Genetics
A310 |
Computational Neuroscience |
2 |
2 |
エリック・デシュッター |
Introductory neuroscience, computational methods, programming, mathematics.
A312 |
Sensory Systems |
3 |
2 |
福永 泉美 |
Background in neuroscience (either at the BSc/MSc level or the OIST basic neuroscience course). Cellular neurophysiology and neuroanatomy.
A313 |
Cognitive Neurorobotics |
2 |
2 |
谷 淳 |
B46 Introduction to Machine Learning and programming experience in Python, C or C++ are required. Basic calculus of vectors and matrices and differential equations are assumed.
A314 |
Neurobiology of Learning and Memory I |
1 |
2 |
ジェフ・ウィッケンス |
Students should have previously taken at least two basic courses in neuroscience or have completed the equivalent by documented prior learning
A315 |
Quantifying Naturalistic Animal Behavior |
3 |
2 |
サム・ライター |
Introductory neuroscience and preparation in one or more areas of linear algebra, machine learning, or behavioral ecology is recommended.
A316 |
Neuronal Molecular Signaling |
3 |
2 |
マルコ・テレンツィオ |
Basic knowledge of cellular biology and neurobiology.
Passing “Introduction to Neuroscience” or equivalent is required.
A318 |
Neurobiology of Learning and Memory II |
2 |
2 |
田中 和正 |
Basic knowledge of cellular biology and neurobiology. Passing “Introduction to Neuroscience” or equivalent is required.
From AY2024, this course moves to term 2
A319 |
Microbial Evolution and Cell Biology |
1 |
2 |
フィリップ・フスニック |
Basic understanding of evolutionary and cell biology at the undergraduate level is assumed. e.g., B27 Molecular Biology of the Cell or B23 Molecular Evolution
A320 |
The Cell Cycle and Human Diseases |
2 |
2 |
フランツ・マイティンガー |
Molecular Biology and Genetics required, e.g.: B27 Molecular Biology of the Cell and B35 Genetics and Modern Genetic Technologies
A321 |
Macroevolution |
2 |
2 |
ローレン・サラーン |
Undergraduate biology, especially evolution. Course B23 Molecular Evolution is required. Contact Prof Sallan if you seek an exemption.
A323 |
Cognitive Neural Dynamics |
2 |
1 |
深井 朋樹 |
Students are encouraged to have basic knowledge of statistical physics, stochastic dynamics, and machine learning. Basic skills in mathematics, programming, and computer simulations are required.
NEW for AY2024
A324 |
Paleontology and the Diversity of Life |
2 |
2 |
ローレン・サラーン |
Basic knowledge of and interest in biology or evolution required, undergraduate biology coursework preferred.
NEW from AY2025, alternates with A321 Macroevolution
A337 |
Introduction to Embodied Cognitive Science |
2 |
2 |
トム・フロース |
For this course, a basis in cognitive science (any discipline) is highly advantageous.
NEW for AY2024
Replaces B37
Limit of 9 enrollments
A409 |
Electron Microscopy |
3 |
2 |
マティアス・ウォルフ |
Undergraduate mathematics.
B08 |
Physics for Life Sciences |
2 |
2 |
ベアン・クン |
B10 |
Analytical Mechanics |
1 |
2 |
マヘッシュ・バンディ |
College level introductory physics or permission of instructor, mathematics for physics.
B11 |
Classical Electrodynamics |
2 |
2 |
新竹 積 |
Undergraduate mechanics and a firm grasp of calculus and vector mathematics
B12 |
Statistical Physics |
1 |
2 |
ニック・シャノン |
Undergraduate calculus and algebra.
B13 |
Theoretical and Applied Fluid Mechanics |
2 |
2 |
ピナキ・チャクラボルティー |
B10 Analytical Mechanics and/or A104 Vector and Tensor Calculus.
B14 |
Theoretical and Applied Solid Mechanics |
3 |
2 |
グスタボ・ジョイア |
B10 Analytical Mechanics and/or A104 Vector and Tensor Calculus.
B20 |
Introductory Evolutionary Developmental Biology |
2 |
2 |
渡邉 寛 |
No prior knowledge assumed
B21 |
Biophysics of Cellular Membranes |
3 |
2 |
楠見 明弘 |
Biology, chemistry, and/or physics at undergraduate levels
B23 |
Molecular Evolution |
1 |
2 |
トマ・ブーギニョン |
Assumes general knowledge in biology
B24 |
Neuromotor Systems |
1 |
2 |
マリルカ ヨエ・ウーシサーリ |
This is a basic level course, that will be adjusted accordingly to the interests of enrolled students. No prior knowledge assumed.
B27 |
Molecular Biology of the Cell |
1 |
2 |
河野 恵子 |
The course is very basic. Non-biology students are welcome.
B29 |
Linear Algebra |
2 |
2 |
リロン・スペイヤ |
Familiarity with real and complex numbers will be assumed. Ideally, students will have had some previous exposure to mathematical proofs, though this is not strictly required.
Alternate years course, AY2025
B31 |
Statistical Tests |
2 |
1 |
深井 朋樹 |
Basic knowledge of elementary mathematics such as differentiation, integration, and elementary linear algebra. However, whenever necessary, mathematical details will be explained.
Students will need to write some code in Python
B33 |
Organic Photonics and Electronics |
3 |
2 |
嘉部 量太 |
Undergraduate chemistry
B34 |
Coral Reef Ecology and Biology |
3 |
2 |
ティモシー・ラバシ |
B35 |
Genetics and Modern Genetic Technologies |
1 |
2 |
清光 智美 |
B36 |
Introduction to Real Analysis |
1 |
2 |
シャオダン・ジョウ |
Undergraduate Calculus or equivalent is required. Multivariable calculus is not a prerequisite. If you are not sure about the prerequisite material, please contact the instructor before enrolling.
Alternate years course, AY2024
B38 |
Human Subjects Research: A Primer |
1 |
2 |
ゲイル・トリップ |
There are no prerequisites for this course. Students will be expected to complete assigned readings ahead of class in order to participate fully.
B40 |
Introduction to Polymer Science |
1 |
2 |
クリスティーヌ・ラスカム |
B41 |
Fundamentals of Ecology |
1 |
2 |
デイヴィッド・アミテージ |
Undergraduate-level coursework in general biology and calculus are recommended but not required.
B42 |
The Diversity of Fish |
1 |
2 |
ヴィンセント・ラウデット |
Curiosity and sense of wonder
B44 |
Stellar Physics |
1 |
2 |
長瀧 重博 |
Fundamental undergraduate-level physics recommended but not required.
Course not offered AY2024
B46 |
Introduction to Machine Learning |
1 |
2 |
山田 誠 |
No prerequisites. However, without some mathematics and programming background, topics like deep learning are hard to follow.
B48 |
Introduction to Complexity Science |
2 |
2 |
ウルフ・ディークマン |
Basics of calculus, linear algebra, and programming.
B49 |
Dynamical Systems |
2 |
2 |
マヘッシュ・バンディ |
Classical mechanics, e.g. B10
Alternate years course, AY2023
B50 |
Introduction to Scientific Computing |
1 |
2 |
銅谷 賢治 |
Basic skills of computer use.
Familiarity with linear algebra and basic differential equations is assumed, but the course aims to help intuitive understanding of such mathematical concepts by computing and visualization.
NEW for AY2024
B51 |
An introduction to Quantum Mechanics, Quantum Optics and Quantum Science |
1 |
2 |
ウィリアム ジョン マンロ |
undergraduate quantum mechanics and linear algebra
NEW for AY2024
B52 |
Introductory Neuroscience |
1 |
2 |
合田 裕紀子 |
Undergraduate biochemistry, biology, and chemistry
NEW for AY2024
B53 |
Introduction to Applied Cryptography |
2 |
1 |
カルロス・シッド |
No prerequisite within the OIST graduate syllabus. The expectation is that students have a scientific background, with knowledge equivalent to first-year undergraduate mathematics, or more generally, the equivalent to discrete mathematics taught in many science undergraduate degrees.
Five-week intensive course