Introduction to Quantum Cryptography

Course Aim

This course provides a rigorous initiation into the fundamental aspects of quantum cryptography.

Course Description

In this course we will study the most important cryptographic primitives such as key distribution, secure multi party computation, oblivious information transfer, etc. and discuss the different security guarantees that quantum implementations offer. Mathematically inclined students will gain a rigorous understanding of quantum communications and quantum computation.

Course Contents

We will follow the plan of the Wehner & Vidick course (see Textbook below):
1 - Review of relevant Quantum Information concepts
2 - Quantum Tools and a First Protocol
3 - Quantum Money
4 - The Power of Entanglement
5 - Quantifying Information
6 - From Imperfect Information to (Near) Perfect Security
7 - Distributing Keys
8 - Quantum Key Distribution Protocols
9 - Quantum Cryptography Using Untrusted Devices
10 - Quantum Cryptography beyond Key Distribution
11 - Security from Physical Assumptions
12 - Further Topics around Encryption
13 - Delegated Computation
If time allows, we will cover more rigorous proofs of security following the book of Ramona Wolf or discuss other novel results in the field.


100% lecture note scribing and homework (only one/two students per week)

Prerequisites or Prior Knowledge

Linear algebra, probability and statistics. The student will benefit from introductory knowledge on quantum information, though the exposition will include a short introduction to quantum bits, operations and measurements.


Wolf, Ramona. Quantum Key Distribution. Springer Lecture Notes in Physics, 2021.
Vidick, Thomas, and Stephanie Wehner. Introduction to Quantum Cryptography. Cambridge University Press, 2023. (based on the lecture notes of the course:…)


Alternating years course (from AY2025), alternates with A231 Quantum Information