37. Leaving the University

Table of Contents

37.1 Policy

Termination decisions must comply with internal and applicable legal requirements. 

37.2 Rules

37.2.1 Termination

Details are described in Article 77, 78 and 85, Rules of Employment and Article 64, 65 and 71, Rules of Employment for Part-time Employees.

37.2.2 Mandatory Retirement and Maximum Age Limit for Fixed-Term Employment Agreement

Details are described in Article 79, Rules of Employment and Article 66, Rules of Employment for Part-time Employees. Rules for re-employment after retirement are determined in Article 80, Rules of Employment.

37.2.3 Dismissal

Details are described in Article 81, 82 and 83, Rules of Employment and Article 67, 68 and 69, Rules of Employment for Part-time Employees.

37.2.4 Former Employees’ Duty of Confidentiality

Details are described in Article 84, Rules of Employment and Article 70, Rules of Employment for Part-time Employees.

37.3 Responsibilities

37.3.1 Individuals terminating from the University

Employees must submit the necessary documents to the HR Management Section at least 1 month prior to the day they intend to resign. Individuals terminating from the University are responsible for returning all of University property including keys, identification cards, computers, software, phones to the responsible sections or their immediate supervisors.

37.3.2 Supervisors

Supervisors must follow established procedures regarding terminations and review in advance with the HR Management Section and the Vice President for Human Resource (VPHR).

37.3.3 HR Management Section

The HR Management Section is responsible for assuring that relevant laws and University rules regarding the termination of employees are observed.

37.4 Procedures

37.5 Forms

37.6 Contacts

37.6.1 Policy Owner

Vice President for Human Resource (VPHR)

37.6.2 Other Contacts

HR Management Section

37.7 Definitions