Leadership and Governance

The OIST Promotion Corporation (OIST PC), founded in 2005 through an Act by the Japanese government, laid the foundation for university accreditation of the school corporation (OIST SC) in 2011. OIST’s unique relationship with the government allows it to be run like a public university with the flexibility and agility of a private institution under the stewardship of the Board of Governors.

History of OIST

Former Presidents

Information Disclosure

The ultimate authority and responsibility for the management and operation of OIST lies with the Board of Governors (BOG), the membership of which currently includes four Nobel Laureates and global leaders in science, business, and education. See list of BOG Committees.

The Board of Councilors (BOC) also provides university leadership with an additional range of international and domestic perspectives. See list of BOC Committees.

The OIST organigram shows how the organizational structure of the university starts with the Board of Governors at the top, followed by the President, and then the Provost and Secretary General who are responsible for research and administration, respectively.

Explore the university’s organization structure through simple, detailed, and linked organigrams.

Visit the OIST Policy, Rules, and Procedures Library (PRP) for more details on the rules that govern the university.