The basic policy for access to the labs by outside parties is being clarified, as follows:
- In principle, outside parties do not have access to the Lab buildings or Administrative Office areas.
- Exceptions will be made to enable necessary construction and equipment installation works, deliveries, etc. to be made in an efficient manner – but in such a way that there is:
a. minimal disturbance to lab users, and
b. good operational security is maintained on the campus.
In case of violation from these rules, OIST can remove such exceptions to the vendors without any of preliminary notice or explanation. - It shall be made clear to outside parties entering lab areas that they do so at their own risk.
A) Vendor must be responsible about any case of accidents in the OIST Campus at their own risk.
B) OIST has an exemption from obligation without any liability about property loss within the campus.
C) Please ask immediately OIST employees for contacting the Security Office when recognizing any of trouble or accident by any possibility.
Primary contact of all emergency cases, the "Security Office" !! 098-966-8989 (Ext. 18989) |
*Rules regarding access and delivery to the OIST campus has been updated on December 3rd, 2012. More detail explanation is available via below document. Thank you very much for your kind cooperation.
- Contractors and equipment installation engineers doing work in the buildings must submit the form of work application (*) to the Facility Management Section, prior to register at the Security Office by the Lab 1 loading dock, and will then be given an armband and limited access.
- Vendors and others making sales calls or coming to OIST for meetings, product seminars, etc. should make an appointment, enter the campus at the Tunnel Entrance on the ground level, register at the security desk, and meet their OIST contact at the meeting tables on Level A of the Center Building, on Level C of Lab 2 just inside the Skywalk entrance, or in the Cafeteria. Such visitors will not be issued with a passcard and will not be permitted entry to the labs unless specifically invited and hosted by a member of faculty.
- In principle, lab supply deliveries should be picked up from the Logistics Center (Procurement) by unit staff. However, vendors making regular deliveries to labs will continue to be given access to the Lab areas, provided they do not undertake unsolicited sales activities.
- Mail and courier deliveries (printed materials only) will continue to be distributed to units by Logistics Center (Procurement) staff, however all packages, boxes, etc. should be picked up from the Logistics Center.
(*) For more information about the work application, please contact to Facility Management Section
【Reception and Registration Place】
Purpose of visit | Reception at | Location |
Maintenance work, inspection, repair, delivery, installation, constructions and/or adjustment of equipment etc. | Security Office | Lab 1, floor B |
Sales, meeting, application to tender, seminar demonstration and/or introduction products etc. | Main Entrance (OIST Gallery) | Center, floor G |
【Research Safety Training】
- Vendors, contractors, etc. entering lab areas on an occasional basis should read the OIST leaflet(Safety Information) in advance.
Safety Information -
OIST provides Online Safety Training for vendors who enter lab areas.
Vendors who enter lab areas need to take the training related to safety and health "Before Entering Lab areas", at least once in 5 years, prior to actual work.
【Reference Information】
- Quick reference of contacts
- Route guidance to the OIST Security Office
- OIST PRP chapter 10 "Land, Buildings and Facilities"(Library of Policies, Rules and Procedures)
- OIST PRP chapter 13 "Safety, Health & Environmental Protection" (Library of Policies, Rules and Procedures)
【Access to the OIST Campus】
Access route guidance and Campus map
【Delivery to the OIST Campus】
Please visit the Logistics Center at the Lab1 building in the OIST campus when delivery.
Open hour of the Logistics Center: Every business days 9:30-17:00 |
*Security Office would be the contact for deliveries out of the above open hour, when parcels service.
NOTE: When planning delivery/pick-up of large equipment and installation of equipment with construction or noise, please submit the form of work application to the Facility Management Section prior to conducting (including approach by large vehicle and occupation of the loading dock).
For more detail information, please contact below persons in charge of Facility Management Section.
OIST Facility Management Section: TO Mr. Kai (atsuo.kai@oist.jp) CC Ms. Shinzato (yukari.shinzato@oist.jp) |
【Parking on campus】
For guests who have only an appointment for meetings (no delivery or service), please use regular campus visitor parking. For more information, please visit the Parking page.
【Close of campus by typhoon】
OIST may close the campus by approaching of typhoon referring conditions of the public transportation services according to the stipulated manual. However, for preventing undesirable incidents, please contact appointed person for rescheduling when difficult situation for delivery and visiting to the campus by such adverse weather (not only by typhoon).
If such closing would be crossed over the delivery due date, please contact the Procurement Section just in case (such unavoidable matter can be justified reason of extension of lead time).
In case of emergency or extraordinary matters by adverse weather at your visit, please contact the emergency call; Security Office (098-966-8989).
Please contact below if you have any inquiries.
Thank you very much for your kind understanding and cooperation.