Elementary School Outreach

Visits by Elementary Schools to OIST

Every year, thousands of elementary students have visited the OIST campus to see firsthand that science is more than tests and textbooks, that it is a worldwide effort to better understand nature and solve problems with that new knowledge. The approximately 45-minute session includes an introduction to OIST, a campus tour, and a science experience program.

The program includes:

Campus tour

  • Duration: 60 minutes (It may vary depending on the number of participants)
  • Maximum number of participants in one visit: 80
  • Date: Weekdays 10am or 2pm

For more details

children gathered in a hall

Visits by OIST to schools

In addition to receiving tours and visits from schools, OIST sends researchers to elementary schools to introduce their research and provide science programs.

Email for details and requests

School children listening to an adult speaker in the classroom

Onna-OIST Children's School of Science

The Children's School of Science, which celebrated its 10th anniversary in 2019, is a joint effort by Onna Village and OIST to give local school-age children in Onna Village experience doing science under the guidance of professional researchers from around the world.

The five-day science program is held every year to coincide with the summer vacation of elementary and junior high school students in Onna Village. In addition to participants from among Onna Village, faculty, parents, and OIST staff, we also welcome students from within the prefecture as volunteer staff, providing them with an opportunity to interact with the Onna community.

children working at the table