Safe and Responsible Research

Research and Workplace Safety

As a relatively new research graduate university, OIST follows best practices and high standards for safe and responsible research.

A dedicated staff of experts with backgrounds in industry, academia, and research establish and enforce safety training and procedures, but the university must continue to improve and adapt to new challenges in the interest of staff and students.

Following a tragic diving incident on November 14, 2016, OIST undertook several measures to improve health and safety measures at the University, summarized in the “Know Safety, No Pain” initiative. The Shohei Suzuki Research Safety Fund was established to promote research safety awareness and training at OIST.

Animal Care and Use

With accreditation by the Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care International (AAALAC International), OIST provides high-quality facilities and best practices for safe and ethical animal care. To keep researchers and students aware of the sacrifice model organisms for the scientific progress we have made, a memorial service for laboratory animals is held annually at the Monument to Laboratory Animals, located in the university’s Center Court.

Animal Resources at OIST

Round monument with water

Human Subjects Research

In OIST, all human subjects research must be carried out in compliance with the provisions of the "Ethical Guidelines for Life Science and Medical Research involving Human Subjects", "OIST Human Subjects Research Rules, and other administrative Guidelines. "Human subjects research" means not only research involving humans such as clinical research but also research using human specimens and human data.

Human Subjects Research Committee (login required)

Researcher in protective suits


Experiments involving recombinant DNA, genome editing technology, pathogens, toxins or hazardous animals/plants are subject to review by the Biosafety Committee at OIST. A unique point pertaining to biosafety management at OIST is that not only pathogens and toxins harmful to human being but also other biological agents which may have adverse effect to the environment or the agriculture/forestry/fisheries industry are controlled by internal rules. Research unit administrators and biosafety officer are cooperatively engaged in support to researchers so that the researchers conduct biological experiments safety, without adverse impact to environment and in compliance with relevant laws and instruments.

Biosafety (login required)

scientists in protective suits in a lab

Research Integrity

Science is built upon the solid foundations of knowledge gained through objective experimentation and hypothesis. To achieve its goals, OIST upholds the highest ethical standards in scientific research, with a firm policy for training and enforcement of Research Integrity.

Compliance Initiative

Professor Keiko Kono teaching