Policy Category: General
Approving Authority: CEO/President
Designated University Officer: Secretary General
Responsible Office: Occupational Health and Safety Section, Facility Management Section
Related Documents: PRP Chapter 20. Health & Wellness Program, PRP Chapter 41. Workplace Health and Safety
Effective Date: February 1, 2025
Next Review: As appropriate
I. Purpose
This policy outlines the University’s commitments and key obligations of all individuals regarding safety, health, and environmental protection. Its purpose is to maintain a healthy and safe workplace, prevent injuries and illnesses caused by University activities and mitigate environmental impacts resulting from University activities.
II. Scope
All individuals on University property or participating in University activities elsewhere.
III. Who is Designated University Officer of this Policy
The Secretary General
IV. Definitions
All individuals: all University employees and non-employees, including students, visitors (including visiting scientists and visiting general public), contractors, agency staff, facility users, service providers, and voluntary workers, who are either under the management of the University, working at the University, visiting the University locations, or attending the University activities.
University activities: administrative, research, and academic operations, and all events conducted within, or for, the University
Executive: President, SG, Provost, Deans and VP
Supervisor: Employees defined as “Faculty” in PRP Chapter 30 and those who hold positions of manager or higher-level job classes in the “Guidelines for Title and Job Class.” Executives who manage Groups are also regarded as supervisors.
Group: Unit, Section, or other forms of “groups” affiliated under each Executive.
EHS: environment, health, and safety
EHS regulations: relevant EHS regulations in Japan
EHS management system: a system that prevents and mitigates incidents, minimizes negative environmental impact, prepares for emergencies and implements emergency measures, while creating, promoting, and improving a healthy and safe workplace
University rules: documents prepared for the implementation of this policy, such as subsidiary rules, manuals, guidance, handbooks, forms, etc., that have been approved by the Designated University Officer or Responsible Officers
Workplace: physical location where University activities take place on the University campus
Environment: The concept of preventing and mitigating negative impact to natural environment (water, soil, plant, animal, and air)
Health and safety (healthy and safe): The concept of preventing incidents, identifying hazards, implementing preventative measures, mitigating the severity of potential incidents, and implementing safe practices
Incident: injury, illness, and near miss caused by University activities
V. Policy Statement
The University recognizes that research activities present new challenges and that pioneering the cutting edge of knowledge, inherently involves both novel and conventional risks to EHS protection. Consequently, it is essential to control risks in the workplace and reduce environmental impact to at least the levels specified in relevant laws and regulations. In doing so, all individuals are expected not only to follow approaches prescribed in the relevant rules and regulations but also to sharpen their awareness of the risks specific to the University activities and the location where they occur, properly assess those risks, and take control measures to respond to them, thereby raising the level of actual safety.
The commitment to EHS protection must be upheld through the daily actions of all individuals where activities are carried out. Through strong leadership, the University pledges to put in place a framework to ensure EHS protection and to ensure all individuals fulfill their responsibilities within this framework.
A. Commitment of University
Under this Policy, the University is committed to promoting the development and maintenance of a healthy and safe workplace for all individuals.
To achieve this commitment, the University, under the leadership of the Executives, aims to:
- Prevent injuries and illnesses and mitigate environmental impacts from University’s activities. Encourage incorporating best practices and pursue continuous improvement of a healthy and safe workplace.
- Develop and implement an EHS management system and ensure it is continuously monitored, reevaluated, and improved for effectiveness, and develop other subsidiary rules, manual and other instrument that are necessary to implement this policy. They will be available in the link specified in “D. Approaches.”
- Prepare for earthquakes, tsunamis, typhoons, other natural disasters, fires, and other incidents and conduct drills (on an organizational basis).
B. Key Obligations of All Individuals
To fulfill the University commitments, all individuals are to:
- Comply with this Policy, the EHS regulations, and the University rules while conducting University activities, taking responsibility for both personal health and safety and that of others who may be affected by their actions.
- Learn to protect themselves from hazards in both their activities and the locations where University activities occur, and complete all required training.
- Conduct University activities with a safety mindset; manage EHS risks by identifying hazards, assessing risks, and implementing proactive measures to prevent incidents and mitigate the severity of potential emergencies.
- Report incidents and EHS concerns promptly to their supervisors.
- Encourage continuous communication and discussion on EHS at all organizational levels, irrespective of position, for mutual learning and EHS improvements.
- Be aware of the risk of disasters by checking emergency information promptly while being mindful of protecting personal safety.
C. Roles and Responsibilities
EHS is achieved when all individuals fulfill their roles and responsibilities in relation to EHS in their respective job level, in addition to the key obligations mentioned above. The roles and responsibilities for EHS at each job level, from the CEO/President to Supervisors, are as follows. Further details are specified in the rules regarding the EHS management system.
- The CEO/President is the ultimate authority on EHS. The CEO/President delegates authority and responsibility related to EHS matters to the General Safety and Health Manager and other Executives in order to achieve the aforementioned commitment as a University.
General Safety and Health Manager
- Oversee and manage tasks related to measures for preventing risks or health hazards to the University employees.
- Operate the EHS management system and monitor its performance to continuously incorporate best practices related to EHS.
- Instruct other Executives to suspend relevant activities or take necessary measures in cases of serious concerns or legal violations related to EHS.
- Demonstrate leadership and provide resources to continuously support all individuals under their supervision in improving EHS.
- Ensure that the University activities in their divisions, as well as all employees and students in their divisions, fulfill and comply with EHS regulations and University policies.
- Instruct the suspension of activities and provide necessary measures if the activities of the group under their supervision have the potential to pose unacceptable risks.
- Report any EHS issues to the General Safety and Health Manager in timely manner. informed about the management of EHS risks within their group’s operations.
- Ensure that all individuals under their supervision comply with this Policy, University rules and EHS regulations, and that necessary corrective and preventive actions are taken to address any non-conformances.
- Identify any potential hazards that could arise or be encountered from their own group’s operations, conduct suitable and sufficient risk assessments, implement necessary control measures, and ensure all individuals under their supervision understand this information.
- Ensure that employees, students, visitors, and others under their supervision are trained about potential hazards and aware of emergency procedures before engaging in activities that may pose an EHS risk.
- Ensure that the workplace and equipment under their supervision are safe, properly maintained to prevent accidents, and properly used.
- Take appropriate action when health and safety are likely to be compromised. Suspend the activities if the activities of the group under their supervision have the potential to pose unacceptable risks.
- Keep the relevant Executive informed about the management of EHS risks within their group’s operations and any obstacles preventing Supervisors from achieving the level of control required by University policies and rules.
D. Approaches
Overall and subject-specific EHS approaches of the University (including roles, responsibilities, and authorities) to fulfill the commitments are available for all individuals from the following:
Link: https://groups.oist.jp/rs/rules