30. Human Resources

Table of Contents

30.1 Policy

All OIST Graduate University employees, regardless of Type of Job or Job Class, are responsible for protecting and enhancing the wellbeing of the University community. The University accomplishes this by setting standards that guide how we conduct ourselves as employees and members of the University community.
Officers, supervisors and managers are responsible for recruiting and retaining high caliber employees to conduct the University’s business competently, efficiently and effectively. Human Resources (HR) matters must be handled consistently and equitably throughout the University. 
The University complies with the Labor Standard Act (Act No. 49 of 1947) and other Japanese laws and regulations. HR matters are described in the Rules of Employment , Rules of Employment for Part-time EmployeesCompensation Rules for Fixed-Term Employees, and Compensation Rules for Permanent Employees (hereinafter referred to as “the Rules of Employment etc.”) HR matters not described in “the Rules of Employment etc.”, are governed by Japanese laws and regulations. This Chapter and the related following chapters (Chapter 31-41) are complemented by “the Rules of Employment etc.” Unless stated otherwise, Chapters from 30 to 41, Japanese laws and regulations, “the Rules of Employment etc.” and HR rules and procedures decided separately by the Vice President for Human Resource apply to all types of Job and Job Classes of employees, academic and no-academic, regardless of funding source. 

30.2 General Considerations

30.2.1 Equal Opportunity and Diversity

The University is committed to provide equal opportunities in all aspects of employment for all persons regardless for race, color, religion, national origin, physical or mental disability, medical condition, marital status, gender, sexual orientation, or age. (Chapter 1.3)
The University actively promotes diversity (including gender diversity) at the workplace, and will, whenever possible, actively recruit under-represented populations. The University will hire, transfer, and promote based on the qualifications of the individual to ensure equal consideration and fair treatment of all.

30.2.2 Employee Categories

The University establishes categories of employee classification based on various characteristics and elements of each person’s employment. This classification is not to create barriers among employees, but to provide appropriate and fair treatment based on the nature of their work, individual employment terms, and work schedules. It also helps determine employee and management responsibilities and employee eligibility for employee benefits. Type of Job and Job Class Senior Level Executive
Executive Vice President, Provost, Secretary General, Deans (including Dean of the Faculty Affairs and Dean of the Graduate School), Vice Presidents, General Counsel, and other positions specified by the CEO/President. Faculty
Professors, Associate Professors, Assistant Professors, Adjunct Professors, Transitional Professors, Visiting Professors. Researchers
Senior Staff Scientist, Science and Technology Associates, Staff Scientists, Postdoctoral Scholars. Definitions for Researchers are described in “Guidelines for Title and Job Class”. Technicians
Research Unit Technicians. Definitions for Technicians are described in “Guidelines for Title and Job Class”. Research Support Employees
Research Support Leaders, Research Support Specialists, and Research Support Technicians. Definitions for Research Support Employees are described in “Guidelines for Title and Job Class”. Administrative Employees
Associate Vice Presidents (Assistant Deans), Senior Managers, Managers, Assistant Managers, Specialists, Administrative Staffs, Research Unit Administrators, Information Technology Leaders, Information Technology Engineers, Laboratory Assistants, Research Assistants, Research Unit Assistants and Administrative Staff Assistants. Definitions for Administrative Employees are described in“Guidelines for Title and Job Class”. Constituent (External) Staff
External Administrative Staff and Agency Temp Staff. Definitions for Constituent (External) Staff are described in “Guidelines for Title and Job Class”. Type of Employment Permanent
Details are described in Article 3.1.1, Rules of Employment. Tenured faculty
Details are described in Article 3.1.2, Rules of Employment Fixed-Term
Details are described in Article 3.1.3, Rules of Employment. Part-Time
Details are described in Article 3.1.1, Rules of Employment for Part-time Employees. Non-Fixed Term (Include Continuing Appointment employees)
Details are described in Article 3.1.5, Rules of Employment and Detailed Stipulations for Non-Fixed Term Employment Agreement. Non-Fixed Term part-time
Details are described in Article 3.1.2, Rules of Employment for Part-time Employees and Detailed Stipulations for Non-Fixed Term Employment Agreement. Exempt Employees
Managerial Employees and Discretionary Employees. Managerial Positions
Details are described in Article 28, Rules of Employment and 26, Rules of Employment for Part-time Employees. Discretionary Employee
Details are described in Article 33, Rules of Employment and 27, Rules of Employment for Part-time Employees.

30.2.3 Corporate Officers

The HR policies do not apply to the Officers of the OIST School Corporation, unless stated otherwise. The Officers are the following positions prescribed by Article 35 of the Private School Act (Act No. 270 of 1949); the Governors, including the Chief Executive Officer (CEO)/President of the University and the Vice CEO of the University, and the Auditors.

30.3 Rules

30.3.1 Professional Conduct

Details are described in Chapter 16, Rules of Employment and Article 16, Rules of Employment for Part-time Employees.

30.3.2 HR Policies, Rules and Procedures

HR matters are described in “the Rules of Employment etc.”, and following Chapters complement the Rules of Employment: 

Chapter 31. Hiring Process 
Chapter 32. Work Schedules and Breaks
Chapter 33. Leave
Chapter 34. Compensation
Chapter 35. Benefits
Chapter 36. Performance Evaluation
Chapter 37. Leaving the University
Chapter 38. Discipline
Chapter 39. Resolving Complaints & Disputes
Chapter 40. Staff Development and Awards
Chapter 41. Workplace and Safety

30.3.3 Employee Representative

The Employee Representative, is an employee who is representing at least half of all University employees, and is selected by the employees through an election or other democratic process. The Employment Representative may not be selected from amongst employees in the managerial positions specified in 

30.4 Responsibilities

30.4.1 Employees

Regardless of their employment categories, all University employees must comply with Japanese laws and regulations, “the Rules of Employment etc.” and OIST’s policies, rules and procedures.

30.4.2 Supervisors

Supervisors are responsible for administering and applying Japanese laws and regulations, “the Rules of Employment etc.” and OIST’s policies, rules and procedures of HR (Chapters 30 – 41) equitably and fairly. The supervisor is also a person accountable for the supervision of his/her members.

30.4.3 Employee Representative

The Employee Representative deals with the matters which are necessary to conclude agreements between OIST and the representative at least half of all University employees according to Labor Standard Act.

30.4.4 Vice President for Human Resource (VPHR)

The VPHR is responsible for overseeing implementation of “the Rules of Employment etc.” and policies, rules and procedures of HR, based on Japanese laws and regulations. The VPHR shall maintain the Rules of Employment and administrative policies, rules and procedures of HR and set necessary guidelines for matters, subject to permission or approval by University. The VPHR shall also inform employees about “the Rules of Employment etc.” and policies, rules and procedures of HR.

30.4.5 Human Resource Division

Each member of the Human Resource Division shall assist the VPHR on HR matters.

30.5 Contacts

30.5.1 Policy Owner

Vice President for Human Resource

30.5.2 Other Contacts

Each Section of the Human Resource Division

30.6 Definitions