33. Leave

Table of Contents

33.1 Policy

The OIST Graduate University recognizes the importance and value of leave in order for employees to have time away from work for a variety of reasons including recreation and physical and mental well-being. The University grants to eligible employees paid and un-paid leave. In addition, the University may instruct employees unable to work for certain reasons to take administrative leave.
The University also recognizes the challenges many employees face in meeting both work and family responsibilities. As an employer, the University believes that adequate and flexible leave policies assist employees in meeting these dual responsibilities and result in higher productivity in the workplace. The University conforms to the Act on the Welfare of Workers Who Take Care of Children or Other Family Members Including Childcare and Family Care Leaves (Childcare and Family Care Leave Act, Act No. 76 of 1991) and all relevant laws and regulations, allowing employees a healthier balance between family and work life. Any harassment or discriminatory treatment for using these programs is prohibited.

33.2 Rules

33.2.1 Annual Paid Leave

Details are described in Article 34 to Article 36, Rules of Employment and Article 28,20 and 30, Rules of Employment for Part-Time Employees.

33.2.2 Summer Leave

Details are described in Article 39, Rules of Employment  and Article 33, Rules of Employment for Part-Time Employees.

33.2.3 Maternity Leave

Details are described in Article 40, Rules of Employment and Article 34, Rules of Employment for Part-Time Employees.

33.2.4 Sick Leave

Details are described in Article 37, Rules of Employment and Article 31, Rules of Employment for Part-Time Employees.

33.2.5 Special Leave

Details are described in Article 38, Rules of Employment and Article 32, Rules of Employment for Part-Time Employees.

33.2.6 Childcare Leave and Nursing Care Leave

Details are described in Article 43 to Article 47 and Article 52 to Article 55, Rules of Employment and Article 37 to 41 and Article 46 to 49, Rules of Employment for Part-Time Employees.

33.2.7 Measure Relating to Health Care During pregnancy and Childbirth

Details are described in Article 76, Rules of Employment and Article 63, Rules of Employment for Part-Time Employees.

33.2.8 Administrative Leave

Details are described in Article 64 to 68, Rules of Employment.

33.3 Responsibilities

33.3.1 Persons planning to take Leave

Persons planning to take Leave must give notice of the dates and duration of the leave (along with justification for Special Leave) in advance, to his/her immediate supervisor through the Working Time Management System. Employees are encouraged to make leave schedules in a planned manner.

33.3.2 Supervisors

Supervisors are responsible for balancing the individual employee’s needs, the workload of coworkers and effective business operation under their control.

33.3.3 The HR Management Section

The HR Management Section is responsible for administering the leave policies fairly, and providing necessary guidance regarding the leave policies to employees and supervisors.

33.3.4 Employee and Labor Relations Section

Employee and Labor Relations Section is responsible for monitoring the implementation of pertinent leave, as specified in this Chapter, and for ensuring that applicants and users of such leave, will not experience discrimination or harassment, as a result of taking leave.

33.4 Procedures

33.5 Forms

See HR website.

33.6 Contacts

33.6.1 Policy Owner

Vice President for Human Resource (VPHR)

33.6.2 Other Contacts

HR Management Section
Employee and Labor Relations Section

33.7 Definitions

33.7.1 Child

Please refer to 32.8.2.

33.7.2 Condition Requiring Care and the Applicable Family Member

Please refer to 32.8.3.