Phyllosphere 12

12th International Symposium on Leaf Surface Microbiology

June 6, 2025 - June 9, 2025


  • 2025-04-05 - Application deadline
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About the Workshop

The ‘phyllosphere meeting’ is a (typically) quinquennial event that brings together experts from around the world with a scientific interest in leaves (and other above-ground parts of plants and trees, including flowers, fruit, buds, petioles, stems, twigs, branches, and trunks) as a habitat for microorganisms.

First held in 1970, the meeting serves as an international platform to share and learn about the latest discoveries in phyllosphere microbiology and as an incubator for new ideas and new collaborations in a field that recognizes how the many essential ecosystem services that plant foliage provides are influenced by the microscopic organisms that can be found on and in leaves (i.e. bacteria, fungi, yeasts, protists, viruses, insects).

As a discipline that became established in the 1950s, phyllosphere microbiology is now recognized as having contributed in significant ways to the study of host-microbe and microbe-microbe interactions using the leaf as an experimentally and conceptually useful model microbiome.

Phyllosphere meetings are truly multi- and inter-disciplinary. With backgrounds in such wide-ranging areas as plant pathology, food safety, microbial ecology, phytochemistry, and vegetation science, participants discuss phyllosphere microbiology in terms of problems such as foliar diseases and contamination of leafy greens with enteropathogenic bacteria, and in terms of solutions such as microbes, proteins and chemicals with plant-growth promoting activities or other commercially viable applications, and bioremediation of atmospheric pollutants.



Daily Program

Tentative (subject to modification)

Day 0 | 2025年6月5日


OIST Seaside House


Dinner and Social
OIST Seaside House

Day 1 | 2025年6月6日

9:00 - 9:45

Keynote Speaker

9:45 - 10:35

Session 1

10:35 - 11:00

Coffee break

11:00 - 12:15

Session 2

12:15 - 13:25


13:30 - 15:05

Session 3

15:05 - 15:35

Coffee break

15:35 - 17:40

Session 4

18:30 - ?

Banquet Dinner
Cafeteria (OIST Center Building)

Day 2 | 2025年6月7日

9:00 - 10:40

Session 5

10:40 - 12:00

Poster session + Coffee break

12:00 - 18:00

Excursion to Motobu Peninsula
Churaumi Aquarium // Tropical Dream Center // Bise Fukugi Tree Road


Travel back to Onna and drop-off at Seaside House or near dining establishments

Day 3 | 2025年6月8日

9:00 - 9:45

Keynote Speaker 2

9:45 - 10:35

Session 6

10:35 - 11:00

Coffee break

11:00 - 12:15

Session 7

12:15 - 13:25


13:25 - 15:05

Session 8

15:05 - 15:35

Coffee break

15:35 - 17:40

Session 9

18:00 - 20:00


Day 4 | 2025年6月9日

9:00 - 10:15

Session 10

10:15 - 10:40

Coffee break

10:40 - 12:20

Session 11

12:20 - ?

Box lunch and checkout

Open in Google Maps

Speaker Line-Up

Keynote Speaker

Kei Hiruma

University of Tokyo, Japan

Invited Speakers

Marina Kalyuzhnaya

San Diego State University, USA

Hidehiro Ishizawa

University of Hyogo, Japan

Talia Karasov

University of Utah, USA

Haruna Matsumoto

Zheijiang University, China

Itumeleng Moroenyane

Stellenbosch University University, South Africa

Henriette Schluepmann

Utrecht University, Netherlands

Mary Catherine Aime

Purdue University, USA

Fletcher Halliday

Oregon State University, USA

Marion Donald

Landcare Research/University of Canterbury, New Zealand

Isheng Jason Tsai

Academia Sinica, Taiwan

Leonora Bittleston

Boise State University, USA

Cecilia Grossi

National Scientific and Technical Research Council, Argentina


Additional Speakers

Akio Tani

Okayama University, Japan

Kaoru Tsuji

Kobe University, Japan

Kenichi Tsuda

Huazhong Agricultural University, China

Kosuke Shiraishi

Kyoto University, Japan

Britt Koskella

University of California Berkeley, USA

Johan Leveau

University of California Davis, USA

Dave Armitage

OIST, Japan

Registration Information

Upon completion of the abstract submission form above, and after review by the organizing committee, a payment link will be emailed to participants based on their registration category. 

Registration Type Registration fee Accommodation Meals
Presenter (talk or poster) ¥45,000 Yes (Seaside House) Yes
Attendee (not presenting) ¥60,000 No Yes

Both registration categories include access to all talks, all scheduled meals, and transport to and from the field trip (entrance fees for aquarium/botanical garden entrance not included).

Free Seaside House accommodations are reserved for participants who will present either a poster or talk at the conference.

Cancellation and Refund Policy

Participation fees will be refunded if cancellations are made in written form via email to not later than 15 business days prior to the start of the workshop.

In case of a natural disaster (typhoon, earthquake, etc.), which results in the cancellation of the workshop, participant fees will be refunded after subtracting the processing fee of 3.6%.