41. Workplace Health and Safety

Table of Contents

41.1 Policy

The OIST Graduate University is committed to providing a safe and healthy environment for its employees. The University offers training, programs, and medical services to promote the physical and mental health and well-being of its employees. Work areas in the University are required to be properly ventilated and appropriately lighted, and employees must be provided with ergonomically correct equipment, tools and furniture. In addition to taking safety training and complying with safety rules, employees are expected to be mindful of the need for a nutritious diet, for a good night’s sleep, for daily exercise, and for periods of relaxation and recreation. The University’s over-arching policies, rules, and procedures regarding general and job-specific safety training, employee health, research safety training, disaster preparedness and emergency response are set out in PRP Chapter 13.

The discussion in this Chapter is limited to health examination and compensation for employees who have a work-related injury or occupational illness covered by the Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance Act (Act No. 50 of 1947).

41.2 General Considerations

The University’s Safety and Health Management rules complies with the Industrial Safety and Health Act (Act No. 57 of 1972). In addition, the University has developed its own requirements regarding employee safety and health; see Chapter 13.

In the event of a work-related injury or occupational illness, employees may be eligible for coverage of medical and other expenses by the Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance [41.3.2].

41.3 Rules

41.3.1 Health Examination

Details are described in Article 72, Rules of Employment and Article 59, Rules of Employment for Part-time Employees.

41.3.2 Worker’s Accident Compensation

Details are described in Article 92, Rules of Employment and Article 77, Rules of Employment for Part-time Employees. Notwithstanding the rules governing compensation during absence [], an employee who is absent from work due to injury or illness from an accident while at work or commuting as stipulated under the Industrial Accident Compensation Act will be paid 100 percent of their daily salary by the University for the first 3 days of the period that the employee is absent from work.

After the first 3 days, when compensation under the Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance (Insurance) is less than the amount calculated by the formula below, the University will pay the difference after the amount of the Insurance payment has been confirmed.

Formula: Daily Salary [] multiplied by [the number of subsequent days the employee is not able to work] Full-time officers are covered by the accident compensation insurance that the University has arranged. The compensation comprises:

  • Survivor’s compensation benefits,
  • Residual disabilities benefits,
  • Hospitalization benefits,
  • Surgery benefits, and
  • Outpatient benefits.

41.4 Responsibilities

41.4.1 Employees

Employees are responsible for complying with all laws, regulations, and University requirements related to workplace health and safety and using their best efforts at all times to prevent workplace accidents.

41.4.2 The HR Operations Section

The HR Operations Section is responsible for administering the accident compensation policy for employees and officers accurately.

41.4.3 The Health Center

The Health Center is responsible for implementing health examination for employees.

41.4.4 The University

The University, as an employer, is responsible for taking necessary measures to create a safe and healthy workplace environment and to improve the safety and health of its employees, pursuant to all related laws and regulations (See Chapter 13).

41.5 Procedures

41.6 Forms

41.7 Contacts

41.7.1 Policy Owner

Vice President for Human Resource (VPHR)

41.7.2 Other Contacts

HR Operations Section
Health Center

41.8 Definitions