21. Use of University Resources

Table of Contents

21.1 Policy

University resources must be reserved for University purposes and for those activities that further its education, research, and socio-economic missions. University purposes include contributing to the physical and cultural development of University students, faculty, staff and the greater Okinawan community as well as stimulating the intellectual lives and personal development of University students, faculty, staff, and the broader community.

21.2 General Considerations


University property and facilities are valuable public assets, such that the University’s Common Spaces will be made available to the public as well as to University personnel to serve broader community purposes.


University resources may never be used for personal gain as a general rule. However, use of Common Spaces for Non-University Purpose may be permitted pursuant to the PRP 21 and rules referred to by the statements in this chapter.


University resources may not be used by external persons (either individuals or corporations) except for use by visitors whose acceptance has been approved by the University. However, the use by external persons may be permitted if the President/CEO (Vice President for Buildings and Facility Management or University Community Services Director  in the case of University’s Common Spaces; Provost in the case of University’s Research Facilities and Related Services) authorizes the use in advance. University may charge internal and external users for the partial use of the University’s buildings or use of the University’s research facilities or services. Apart from the above, the use by external persons may also be permitted on a contract basis if the purpose of the use is to provide welfare programs to University students, faculty and staff members or to entrust the work of the University. The University may allow external vendors to sell foods, agricultural products, etc. within the campus and to use resources of the University for such sales for the purpose of providing high-quality and  affordable meals at the campus to contribute to enhancing the welfare of the faculty, staff members, and students. Please referred to "Guidelines for Sales of Food and Agricultural Products at Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University" for more information. The procedures and usage charges for a partial use of the University’s buildings are stipulated separately. The procedures and usage charges for a use of research facilities or services are stipulated in OIST Graduate University Rules for External Use of Research Facilities, Equipment and Services.

21.3 Rules

21.3.1 Buildings, Facilities, Land

The University is required to maximize the efficient and effective use of University property and facilities in order to provide appropriate, high quality, sustainable and sufficient space and infrastructure for University purposes and programs. See also Chapter 10, Land, Buildings and Facilities. Use of Common Spaces for Non-University Purposes
The University wishes to be a venue for activities of local communities, staff, students, and their friends and family members. The University will make available Common Spaces for artistic activities, cultural clubs, and other purposes not related to University operations. Such use must be made through and coordinated with the Director of Recreation Services under University Community Services Director to ensure there is no conflict with scheduled University activities and obtain permission for use. With regard to use of University Common Spaces, the University’s requirements have priority and take precedence. The University’s Common Spaces are:

On the Main Campus
  - Café (Outside operating hours)
  - Restaurant Space (Outside operation hours)
  - Center Court
  - Main Entrance Gallery
  - Meeting and Seminar rooms:
      Sydney Brenner Lecture Theater (Seminar room B250)
      Seminar room C209
      Seminar room C210
      Seminar room C700
  - Conference Center:
      Meeting room 1
      Meeting room 2
      Meeting room 3
      Meeting room 4
      At Seaside House
  - Chura Hall
  - Meeting and Seminar rooms:
      Seminar room
      Meeting room 1
      Meeting room 2
  - Seaside Deck
  - Lobby and Patio (1F)
  - Seaside Lounge

At the Village Center
  - Meeting Room Village Center
  - Meeting Room Ocean View Usage of Seminar Room C209
Regarding the use of Seminar Room C209, priority to book C209 will be given to Office of the President for VIP meetings. Use of University Common Spaces, and of other areas as may be determined on a case-by-case basis, for non-University purposes may be permitted under the following conditions: The Common Space or other area (Chapter is available and not being used for a University purpose or program; and Reservations have been made and an agreement regarding use has been developed (Chapter 21.5.1) between the University and the individual or non-University entity. Restrictions on Use

  • Smoking is permitted only at a designated smoking area near the Central Control Room.
  • Posters, flyers and other such materials must only be placed on the noticeboards provided. No such materials may be attached to walls, doors, windows or any other part of the buildings, including the elevators.
  • Waste must be disposed of in designated boxes in the appropriate manner.
  • Alteration to the facilities, equipment, furnishings, etc. is not permitted unless authorized in writing in advance.
    - facilities must be returned to their original condition after use.
  • Users will be liable for any damage or loss caused by their use.
    - The contact person [Link:21.4.1] will be held responsible for all damage or loss Prohibited uses and activities

  • Commercial use or for-profit activities (this does not include fundraising such as bake sales and rummage sales by voluntary non-profit groups and associations)
  • Political activities
  • Uses that are offensive to public order and morals
  • Uses that may disturb or interfere with University activities (noise, vibrations, and the like) Permission to use Common Spaces may be revoked by the University at any time, up to and including the date of the reserved use. Accommodation
Please refer to the following procedures regarding the rules for accommodations of the university.
Accommodation Procedure for Short-term Lodging in Campus Housing

21.3.2 Equipment, Information Technology, Shops and Services

The education and research operations of the University involve machinery and machine shops, a vast assortment of research tools and scientific equipment, cranes and hoists, as well as workshops, work benches, and assorted hand tools.  In addition to this hardware, the University utilizes computers, networks and electronic information systems as well as copiers and other peripherals, facsimile machines and other office equipment. All of these resources are essential to the University's mission. All of these resources are reserved for University purposes and business, and are to be used and managed responsibly to ensure their integrity, security, and availability for appropriate educational and business activities. All authorized users of these resources are required to use them in an effective, efficient, safe [Link: Chapter 13] and responsible manner.

The University grants members of the University community shared access to these resources in support of accomplishing the University's mission. Incidental personal use is permitted if reasonable in light of the user’s duties and responsibilities. In no case may University equipment or services be used for private inurement or other personal gain. Use of University computing to store personal data, information, or messages is not permitted.

21.3.3 University Vehicles

Faculty, staff, students and persons who are invited by the University and whose use of vehicle is approved by the University may use University owned, leased or rented vehicles only for University business University Vehicles must be operated and driven in a safe and responsible manner, with awareness that the user is acting as a representative of the University. Smoking is not allowed in University Vehicles. Violation of Laws and Regulations of Japan such as unsafe driving may result in withdrawal of the privilege of driving University Vehicles, in addition to other disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.

All accidents, faults, and thefts (hereinafter referred as “accidents, etc.”)  involving University Vehicle, as well as all violation of Laws and Regulations of Japan while driving University vehicles,  must be formally reported in accordance with the rules determined by the Vice President for Buildings and Facilities Management. Criteria for Permitting Use of University Vehicle
Authorization to use a University Vehicle may be granted by the Facility Management Section only if the applicant has a current, valid driver’s license recognized in Japan, and the applicant states a University purpose justifying such use. Please refer to the rules determined by the Vice President for Buildings and Facilities Management. (Deletion)

21.3.4 Personal Vehicle Use of a Personal or Other Private Vehicle for University Business
The University may authorize drivers to use a personal or other private vehicle (hereinafter referred to as “Private Vehicle” which means automobile and motorized bicycle, except for University Vehicles, owned by Employees and Students) for official University business. Employees who are authorized drivers will be reimbursed by the University for University business related expenses provided the following conditions are met: The driver must be prepared to provide proof of personal automobile insurance for the Private Vehicles. The Private Vehicle’s personal automobile insurance provides primary insurance as follows:

  1. Body injury liability insurance: unlimited
  2. Property damage liability insurance: unlimited In cases where that the personal automobile insurance will not compensate for damages incurred, the driver is responsible for the cost of the damages An OIST accident report must be filed if there are personal injuries inflicted on anyone involved in the accident or if non-driver’s property is damaged. The form of this report will be determined by the Vice President for Buildings and Facilities Management. Use of Personal Vehicle for University commuting
The University may authorize drivers to use a Private Vehicle for official University commuting provided the following conditions are met: The driver must be prepared to provide proof of personal automobile insurance for the Private Vehicle. The Private Vehicle’s personal automobile insurance provides primary insurance as follows:

  1. Body injury liability insurance: unlimited
  2. Property damage liability insurance:  unlimited In cases where the personal automobile insurance will not compensate for damages incurred, the driver is responsible for the cost of the damages. An OIST accident report must be filed if there are personal injuries inflicted on anyone involved in the accident or if non-driver’s property is damaged. The form of this report will be determined by the Vice President for Buildings and Facilities Management. Beyond what is prescribed in the preceding paragraph, necessary matters regarding conditions and operation of Private Vehicles, please refer to the rules determined by the Vice President for Building and Facilities Management.

21.3.5 Personal Long-Distance Telephone Calls

University telephones (landlines and cell phones) may not be used for personal long distance calls, unless charged to an individual's residential telephone or personal credit card. In addition, charges for personal calls from an off-campus phone through the operator to any University number or credit card are not allowed.

The IT Division is responsible for monitoring the charges being made to University phones. If any person causes an improper charge, the University will collect the amount and deposit it in the account from which the bill is to be paid. The supervisor, manager or the Dean of the Graduate School (for students) is expected to take appropriate action to see that the infraction is not repeated.

21.3.6 University Inter Office Courier, External Mail and Related Services

University mail, courier, and printing/copying services may not be used by employees and students for personal mail, copying, printing or related services.

21.3.7 Gymnasium

A Gymnasium facility has been established for use by Students of the University. This gymnasium can be used by the University’s faculty and staff as well as family members in the same household to promote health, in exchange for a stipulated fee. For details, please refer to “Rules for use of the OIST Graduate University Gymnasium”.

21.4 Responsibilities

21.4.1 Persons Seeking to Use University Resources

Persons seeking to use University buildings and facilities must make reservations and obtain any other approvals (Chapter 21.5.1). The President or delegate shall maintain administrative policies and procedures to implement this policy, define permissible uses, set contracting guidelines, ensure appropriate property and facility management, and establish scheduling priority of University property and facility use. Personnel responsible for making reservations for university-related purposes must reserve the venue via the University's room reservation system. Personnel responsible for making reservations for non-university purposes must seek permission from the Director of Recreation Services under University Community Services Director  prior to booking. University Community Services Director is authorized to determine, on a case-by-case basis, whether requested use of areas other than Common Spaces for a non-University purpose may be permitted. As for the External Use of Research Facilities and Services, instructions on the necessary procedure must be obtained from Director of Core Facilities.

21.4.2 Prospective Drivers

University Vehicle drivers must have a valid, current driver’s license recognized in Japan.

21.4.3 Persons Seeking to Lease/Rent Vehicles for University business

Persons seeking to lease/rent vehicles for University business must obtain approval of the division/unit to which he/she belongs; if the applicant is also seeking to operate such vehicles, she/he must have a valid current driver’s license recognized in Japan.

21.4.4 Authorizers of University Vehicle Use

The Facility Management Section must authorize use of University Vehicles in writing and must ensure that applicants for use of University Vehicles have a current valid driver’s license recognized in Japan.

21.4.5 Drivers of University Vehicles

Drivers of University Vehicles and Drivers of personal or other private vehicles for University business must operate those vehicles responsibly, safely, and in compliance with all Japanese laws, the PRP, and the rules  determined by the Vice President for Buildings and Facilities Management applicable to the operation of motor vehicles.

21.4.6 (Deletion)

21.4.7 IT Division

The IT Division must maintain records of use of telephone and computer and report to the user’s supervisors (or the Dean of the Graduate School for students) any instances unusual or inappropriate use.

21.5 Procedures

21.5.1 Reserving Use of University Common Space

Reservations must be made at least 5 working days prior to the desired day of use by using the University’s room reservation system.
Note: Reservation of Conference Center and certain other spaces can only be made by the Conference and Workshop Section. Requests for reservations should be made to this Section.Regarding the use of Seminar Room C209, priority to book C209 will be given to Office of the President for VIP meetings.

21.5.2 Authorization to operate a University Vehicle

To obtain authorization to operate a University Vehicle, complete and submit a Form in accordance with the rules determined by the Vice President for Buildings and Facilities Management.

21.5.3 Response to Accidents, etc. while using University Vehicles Procedures for Responding to Accidents, Etc.
In the case that you are involved with accidents, etc. when using University vehicles, please follow the procedures in the PRP and the rules determined by the Vice President for Buildings and Facilities Management.
The same shall apply when using personal or other private vehicles for University business.

21.5.4 Reservation for accomodations

Please refer to the following procedures for reservation of the accommodations.
Accommodation Procedure for Short-term Lodging in Campus Housing

21.5.5 External Use of Research Facilities and Services

Please refer to PRP 4.16 “External Use of Research Facilities and Services” for procedures and other matters.

21.5.6 Use of Shower Room, Kitchen area and other common Facilities

Please refer the “OIST Common Facilities Procedures” for use and management of Shower Room, Kitchen and other Common Facilities.

21.6 Forms

21.7 Contacts

21.7.1 Policy Owners

Vice President for Buildings and Facility Management
University Community Services Director
Director of Core Facilities

21.7.2 Other Contacts

Facility Management Section
Conference and Workshop Section
IT Division
Accounting Section

21.8 Definitions

21.8.1 University resources

University resources includes all University property, buildings, facilities, and land, as well as the University’s voice and data communications systems and devices, information technology and software, networking services, electronic communications forums, the University’s equipment (including but not limited to vehicles, computers and peripherals, research tools and instruments, appliances, machinery, machine shops, and furniture), and the University’s procurement tools, such as purchasing cards and petty cash. 

Additionally, the time and effort of staff, students, and others carrying out transactions on behalf of the University are considered “University Resources.”