Experimental Postdoc/Lab Technician Positions Biological Complexity Unit Posted on 05 March 2025 Biological Complexity Unit Postdoc Applications deadline will continue until the position is filled.
Postdoctoral Scholars in Collective Dynamics and Quantum Transport Unit Posted on 18 September 2024 Collective Dynamics and Quantum Transport Postdoc Applications deadline will continue until the position is filled.
Research Update Diamond Quantum Science and Technology Japan-Germany Project: DIAMONDQTECH OIST is part of a 5 year bi-national research project between Japan and Germany focused on developing diamond-based quantum science and technology as an JST ASPIRE & DFG project.
Research Update Nanographenes prolong super-resolution microscopy from minutes to hours By replacing traditional fluorophores with nanographenes, it’s now possible to observe phenomena at the 10-nanometer scales over long periods.
Research Update Foraging footballers suggest how we come together to act as one New study finds football teams move as though they are a single person, offering new insights into collective behavior.
Institutional News OIST Unit Profile: Data scientists working on downloading the brain Prof. Gerald Pao and his team reveal new opportunities by moving away from a classical statistical approach in biological data analysis.
Research Update New, embodied AI reveals how robots and toddlers learn to understand With a brain-inspired architecture, the model offers insights into cognitive development and information processing in neural networks.