Course OSP2025 The main focus of this school is quantum communications ranging from quantum key distribution (the most advanced quantum technology) to quantum internet (the future goal of quantum platform). Organizers: Networked Quantum Devices Unit Quantum Engineering and Design Unit Quantum Information Science and Technology Unit 21 September 2025 - 03 October 2025
Postdoctoral Scholars in Collective Dynamics and Quantum Transport Unit Posted on 18 September 2024 Collective Dynamics and Quantum Transport Postdoc Applications deadline will continue until the position is filled.
Research Update Diamond Quantum Science and Technology Japan-Germany Project: DIAMONDQTECH OIST is part of a 5 year bi-national research project between Japan and Germany focused on developing diamond-based quantum science and technology as an JST ASPIRE & DFG project.
Research Update Can quantum particles mimic gravitational waves? Researchers have shown how gravitational waves can be simulated in the lab using cold atoms.
Institutional News Using entangled particles to create unbreakable encryption The father of quantum cryptography, Prof. Artur Ekert, is introducing his work and his new role at OIST.
Institutional News Industry and Academia Collaborate to Develop and Implement Educational Programs to Produce Leaders to Drive Japan's Quantum Industry Selected for SIP Phase 3 “Promoting the Application of Advanced Quantum Technology Infrastructure to Social Issues”, Sub-Project D Innovation Creation Infrastructure, and open call for participants
Research Update Innovative magnetic levitation: New material offers potential for unlocking gravity-free technology Using graphite, scientists have created a floating platform that requires no external power.