Experimental Postdoc/Lab Technician Positions Biological Complexity Unit Posted on 05 March 2025 Biological Complexity Unit Postdoc Applications deadline will continue until the position is filled.
Research Update How the oceans’ most abundant bacteria impact global nutrient flows A new Nature paper has revealed how key bacterial proteins contribute to global carbon, sulfur and other nutrient cycles.
Research Update To walk, you only need fins (and maybe a sense of adventure) A recent anatomical study of the mudskipper reveals their adaptations to walking on land.
Research Update Synthetic droplets cause a stir in the primordial soup A synthetic droplet may give researchers clues on how simplest forms of life on the planet could navigate their surroundings.
Research Update Illuminating the molecular ballet in living cells Ultrafast fluorescent imaging technology brings the molecular dynamics of living cells into clear view
Research Update NTT and OIST make first simultaneous atmospheric and marine observations directly beneath Cat 5 typhoon in NW Pacific Observation data taken from directly beneath typhoons may improve the accuracy of typhoon predictions, and explains the interaction between the atmosphere and ocean.