Ai Kiyomitsu

Research Scientist
Food Science and Biotechnology

My Background

I received a Bachelor’s and Master’s and Doctorate (2007) degree in Agriculture from Kyoto University. I continued on at Kyoto University as a Postdoctoral Fellow in two different laboratories: Nutrition Chemistry (2007-2013) and Fermentation Physiology and Applied Microbiology (2012). After a parenting period, I began a new research project using Medaka fish with Assistant Prof. Tomomi Kiyomitsu at Nagoya University (2019). From April 2020, I joined OIST to continue my work with Medaka in collaboration with Cell Division Dynamics (Kiyomitsu) Unit.


I am interested in:

  1. How Medaka early embryos generate beautiful cellular patterning to achieve proper development (see Figures below).
  2. How environmental stress affects this process at the molecular level.

To understand these questions, I am currently establishing several transgenic Medaka using CRISPR/Cas-mediated genome editing. I will use live cell imaging to visualize key molecular players in the early cell division process and analyze phenotypes in response to their depletion or inhibition. I will also analyze how environmental stress affects their behavior and function. 

Medaka embryo


Ran-GTP assembles a specialized spindle structure for accurate chromosome segregation in medaka early embryos
Kiyomitsu A, Nishimura T, Hwang SJ, Ansai S, Kanemaki MT, Tanaka M, Kiyomitsu T.

Cell Division Dynamics unit

Annual Report FY20
Annual Report FY21
Annual Report FY22
Annual Report FY23