Incubator Member Interview: Sage-Sentinel Smart Solutions

Meet Khashayar Misaghian, Co-Founder of Sage-Sentinel Smart Solutions, a company dedicated to providing immediate fall prevention solutions for the elderly. Learn why they joined the OIST Innovation Incubator and how they are leveraging its resources and network to grow their business.


Please tell us about your company's business.

Sage Sentinel is dedicated to providing an immediate fall prevention solution, primarily for older adults. Our technology predicts a fall three to five seconds before it happens, using a system that monitors body movements and sends vibrotactile feedback to alert the user to stop moving or grab hold of something nearby. This solution is based on the concept of biological motion perception in the brain, which helps humans predict movement. We’ve developed two approaches: one uses a camera and AI to monitor real-time movement, and the other uses a wearable motion capture belt. Both solutions aim to reduce fall risk among the elderly, pregnant women, and children.

What were the reasons behind your choice to join the OIST Innovation Incubator as a tenant?

Our target market includes senior centers and people over 65, and Japan has the world’s highest proportion of this age group. When we had the opportunity to join the OIST Innovation Accelerator, we saw Japan as the best place to launch our product. The workforce in Japan’s elderly care sector is shrinking, making technology the only scalable solution. Additionally, Japan has the right infrastructure and openness to new technologies, making it an ideal market for us to establish and grow our business. After Japan, we plan to expand into other markets facing similar aging population challenges.

How are you currently using the OIST Innovation Incubator?

Since 2022, I’ve had a contract for a desk at the incubator, and I use the meeting rooms frequently for team discussions and client meetings. I also access the dry lab for prototyping, 3D printing, and circuit design. The incubator offers great amenities like 24-hour access, which is essential when we need to work late. Being part of this community has given us the resources we need to prototype and move forward with our product development.

What benefits have you found in being part of the OIST Innovation Incubator?

One of the biggest advantages is our proximity to the OIST Innovation team and their support. Additionally, the incubator’s environment helps foster connections with other startups and researchers. It’s also been helpful in terms of networking and receiving feedback on our product. The support we’ve received from OIST has been key in building our network, particularly as we navigate the Japanese market.

Which companies would you recommend to join the OIST Innovation Incubator?

I highly recommend the incubator to companies that need access to a well-equipped wet lab, especially biotech or deep-tech startups. Additionally, companies that offer support services to startups, like administrative assistance or grant-writing expertise, would be a great fit. For foreign startups, in particular, navigating Japan’s grant structure can be challenging, so having companies with expertise in this area would be incredibly valuable. Lastly, startups involved in health tech or elder care solutions could greatly benefit from the resources and connections available at OIST. 

What do you expect from the OIST Innovation Incubator in the future?

I’d like to see more visibility for Okinawa startups across Japan. It would be great if VCs and investors actively sought out opportunities in Okinawa instead of us having to go to them. The startup ecosystem here is still young, and it’s important for larger markets like Tokyo to recognize the potential of startups from Okinawa. I hope that in the future, VCs will be competing to invest in Okinawa-based startups, driving more innovation and growth here.

Overall, the OIST Innovation Incubator has provided invaluable support to our company, and we’re excited to continue working within this community as we scale our business.

(Interview Date: August 22nd, 2024)

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