Kevin Dorgans

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Kevin Dorgans

Post-Doctoral Researcher

Ph.D. University of Strasbourg (France) 2017
M.S. University of Strasbourg (France), 2014

Dr. Kevin Dorgans is an electrophysiologist specialized in the general study of neuronal networks and more specifically synaptic transmission in-vitro. He has a strong experience in patch-clamp methods combined with various imaging technologies especially 2-photon or calcium imaging. He is interested in the integration of sensorimotor stimulations by the nervous system and their processing at the synaptic level.

  • 2013 ‐2018 MD, PhD, Post-doc “Molecular mechanisms of synaptic plasticity and information processing in cerebellar networks” INCI, CNRS, Strasbourg (France) Philippe Isope Lab.


Kevin Dorgans, Valerie Demais, Yannick Bailly, Bernard Poulain, Philippe Isope, Frederic Doussau. Short-term plasticity at cerebellar granule cell to molecular layer interneuron synapses expands information processing. eLife 2019 May; 10.7554/eLife.41586

Binda F, Dorgans K, Reibel S, Sakimura K, Kano M, Poulain B, Isope P. Inhibition promotes long‐term potentiation at cerebellar excitatory synapses. Scientific Reports. 2016 Sep 19;6:33561.

Kevin Dorgans , Julie Salvi , Federica Bertaso , Ludivine Bernard , Philippe Lory , Frederic Doussau and Alexandre Mezghrani. Characterization of the dominant inheritance mechanism of Episodic Ataxia type 2. Neurobiology of Disease 2017 Oct;106:110-123

Frédéric Doussau, Hartmut Schmidt , Kevin Dorgans , Antoine M. Valera, Bernard Poulain , and Philippe Isope. Frequency‐dependent mobilization of different pools of synaptic vesicles shapes presynaptic plasticity. Elife. 2017 Oct 9;6. pii: e28935

Neidl R, Schneider A, Bousiges O, Majchrzak M, Barbelivien A, de Vasconcelos AP, Dorgans K, Doussau F, Loeffler JP, Cassel JC, Boutillier AL. Late‐Life Environmental Enrichment Induces Acetylation Events and Nuclear Factor κB‐Dependent Regulations in the Hippocampus of Aged Rats Showing Improved Plasticity and Learning. Journal of Neurosciences, 2016 Apr 13;36(15):4351‐61.

Anais Grangeray, Kevin Dorgans, Sebastien Roux, Jean‐Louis Bossu. The Purkinje Cell: As an Integrative Machine. Essentials of Cerebellum and Cerebellar Disorders, Springer, (pp 183‐188) 2016 Nov (25)