Making sci-fi healthcare with microfluidic devices and anti-senescence supplements

Embark on a journey into the future of healthcare with the fifth OIST podcast episode on the Global Bioconvergence Center of Innovation. DJ Nick Luscombe dives deep into groundbreaking research with Profs. Amy Shen and Keiko Kono, who are reshaping healthcare through microfluidic devices and anti-senescence supplements. From disease detection to food security, their work blurs the lines between science fiction and reality. Explore how the Center fosters collaboration across scientific fields to tackle global challenges. Prof. Shen discusses lab-on-a-chip devices for medical research, while Prof. Kono unveils insights into cell aging and potential anti-senescence solutions. Tune in now to unlock the secrets of tomorrow's healthcare.
For more information on the Global Bioconvergence Center of Innovation’s goals and projects, see here.