SEED program: Miyazaki Prefectural Miyakonojo Izumigaoka High School & Junior High School students visited OIST

Miyazaki Prefectural Miyakonojo Izumigaoka High School & Junior High School students visited OIST on 11th March 2025

Miyazaki Prefectural Miyakonojo Izumigaoka High School & Junior High School students visited OIST. OIST PhD students Johannes Wibisana (Genomics and Regulatory Systems Unit), Daniel Gutierrez del Rio (Molecular Cryo-Electron Microscopy Unit), and Dan Kozome (Protein Engineering and Evolution Unit) gave career talks, introducing their research at OIST and sharing their academic journeys.

Giulio Foggi Rota from the Complex Fluids and Flows Unit gave a lecture titled "The Science of Flight", where students learned about the principles behind how paper airplanes fly. They participated in a hands-on activity, creating and testing their own paper airplanes.

The students also joined the campus tour and visited the Complex Fluids and Flows Unit.

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