Incubator Member Interview: ekei labs

Meet Bilal Kharouni, the Founder and CEO of Tokyo-based startup ekei labs, which leverages biomarkers of aging to promote healthy longevity. Discover why they joined the OIST Innovation Incubator and how their collaboration with OIST is advancing their research and business.


Please tell us about your company's business.

Our company, ekei labs, focuses on using biomarkers of aging to help both individuals and companies develop strategies for healthy longevity. For individual consumers, we provide at-home test kits that analyze biological age, offering personalized insights through a digital platform. This includes one-on-one consultations with doctors, enabling users to make lifestyle changes that slow down the aging process. On the corporate side, we offer consulting services and collaborative research, helping businesses integrate biomarkers of aging into their products and services. We work with various sectors, including food, beverage, and insurance, to incorporate longevity strategies into their business models.

What were the reasons behind your choice to join the OIST Innovation Incubator as a tenant?

Japan, particularly Okinawa, is an ideal place for our work due to its unique aging demographics and research environment. Japan has one of the fastest-aging populations in the world, and Okinawa is known for its high life expectancy. Additionally, OIST offers access to top-tier researchers and a collaborative environment. Two key factors influenced our decision to join the incubator: first, our scientific advisor, Eli Lyons, introduced us to key figures at OIST, and second, we’re funded by Lifetime Ventures, which operates venture capital fund linked to OIST. These connections helped us realize the incredible potential OIST has to support life sciences startups like ours.

How are you currently using the OIST Innovation Incubator?

Currently, we have a team member relocating from Tokyo to Okinawa, who will be conducting experiments. We're eagerly awaiting the opening of the new OIST Incubation Center, where we’ll have access to larger R&D facilities. Our plan is to start with conducting fundamental experiments at OIST Innovation Incubator, especially in aging biology. We also ambition to build all of our R&D Department within the OIST ecosystem. While our headquarters remain in Tokyo, we envision a close collaboration between our Tokyo and Okinawa teams, making the most of both locations. 

What benefits have you found in being part of the OIST Innovation Incubator?

Being part of the OIST community has given us a fantastic platform for networking and collaboration. OIST’s open culture makes it easy to connect with experts across various fields, which has led to valuable partnerships. For instance, we’ve been able to engage with top researchers in ontogenetic studies and physics, an area we hadn’t explored before but now see great potential in. The international environment at OIST, where English is the working language, also makes it a welcoming space for foreign entrepreneurs like us. This open-minded, globally-connected community is a key benefit.

Which companies would you recommend to join the OIST Innovation Incubator?

I would highly recommend deep-tech and biotech companies to consider joining the OIST Innovation Incubator. OIST has a strong focus on fundamental research, which is critical for companies working in life sciences and other tech-driven industries. The incubator’s resources, research units, and access to talent make it an ideal place for startups that aim to bridge academic research with commercial applications. Additionally, the international and collaborative nature of the incubator makes it a great environment for companies that are looking to innovate in a global context.

What do you expect from the OIST Innovation Incubator in the future?

We'd greatly appreciate OIST's support in connecting us with more opportunities to collaborate with the Okinawa local government, particularly in advancing their public health programs using our ageing biomarkers. Also, as we grow, we expect to benefit more from the R&D facilities and look forward to contributing to Okinawa’s developing ecosystem for high-tech industries. We believe OIST has the potential to become a global powerhouse for life sciences startups, and we’re thrilled to be a part of its future.

(Interview Date: August 21st, 2024)

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