Publications 2009

  1. Kawashima T, Kawashima S, Tanaka C, Murai M, Yoneda M, Putnam NH, Rokhsar DS, Kanehisa M, Satoh N, Wada H.
    Domain shuffling and the evolution of vertebrates.
    Genome Res., 19:1393–1403 (2009)PUBMED
  2. Chiba S, Jiang D, Satoh N, Smith WC.
    Brachyury null mutant-induced defects in juvenile ascidian endodermal organs.
    Development, 136:35-39 (2009) PUBMED
  3. Nakayama-Ishimura A, Chambon JP, Horie T, Satoh N, Sasakura Y.
    Delineating metamorphic pathways in the ascidian Ciona intestinalis.
    Dev. Biol., 326:357-367 (2009)PUBMED
  4. Yamada S, Hotta K, Yamamoto TS, Ueno N, Satoh N, Takahashi H.
    Interaction of notochord-derived fibrinogen-like protein with Notch regulates the patterning of the central nervous system of Ciona intestinalis embryos.
    Dev. Biol., 328:1–12 (2009)PUBMED
  5. Paix A, Yamada L, Dru P, Lecordier H, Pruliere G, Chenevert J, Satoh N, Sardet C.
    Cortical anchorages and cell type segregations of maternal postplasmic/PEM RNAs in ascidians.
    Dev Biol., 336(1):96-111 (2009). PUBMED
  6. Satoh N.
    An advanced filter-feeder hypothesis for urochordate evolution.
    Zoolog Sci., 26(2):97-111 (2009)PUBMED
  7. Satou Y, Satoh N, Imai K.
    Gene regulatory networks in the early ascidian embryo.
    Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Gene Regulatory Mechanisms, 1789:268–273 (2009) PUBMED
  8. Keduka E, Kaiho A, Hamada M, Watanabe-Takano H, Takano K, Ogasawara M, Satou Y, Satoh N, Endo T.
    M-Ras evolved independently of R-Ras and its neural function is conserved between mammalian and ascidian, which lacks classical Ras.
    Gene, 429:49-58 (2009)PUBMED
  9. Ikuta T, Miyamoto N, Saito Y, Wada H, Satoh N, Saiga H.
    Ambulacrarian prototypical Hox and ParaHox gene complements of the indirect-developing hemichordate Balanoglossus simodensis.
    Dev Genes Evol., 219(7):383-9 (2009)PUBMED
  10. Noda T, Hamada M, Hamaguchi M, Fujie MSatoh N.
    Early zygotic expression of transcription factors and signal molecules in fully dissociated embryonic cells of Ciona intestinalis: A microarray analysis.
    Development Growth and Differentiation, 51(7):639-55 (2009)PUBMED
  11. Sasakura Y, Inaba K, Satoh N, Kondo M, Akasaka K.
    Ciona intestinalis and Oxycomanthus japonicus, representatives of marine invertebrates.
    Experimental Animals, 58(5):459-69 (2009) PUBMED
  12. Satoh N.
    Ciona intestinalis: An experimental model of genome-wide exploration of chordate biology (モデル生物の歴史と展望 第5回 カタユウレイボヤ-脊索動物の生命現象のゲノム科学的解明をめざすモデル動物).
    Jikken Igaku (Experimental Medicine), 27(11):1780–1783 (2009)
  13. Satoh N.
    新しい眼でみた水棲無脊椎動物の系統(4) 動物の多様性:最近のトピックス―さらに進む分子系統学的解析―.
    うみうし通信, 62: 2–5 (2009)
  14. Satoh NKawashima TShoguchi E.
    Decoding of amphioxus genome and evolution of chordates (ナメクジウオのゲノム解読と脊索動物の進化).
    Protein, Nucleic acid and Enzyme, 54(1):20-28 (2009) PUBMED