Palladium nanoparticles encapsulated in a Magnesium Oxide shell

Palladium nanoparticles encapsulated in a Magnesium Oxide shell
Electron Microscopy image depicting the Palladium- Magnesium Oxide core-shell combination. The white dots are Palladium nanoparticles. The slight haze around each nanoparticle is the porous magnesium oxide shell. The Palladium nanoparticles are not sintered together and maintain spaces between each another because of these shells. This maximizes their ability to react with chemicals.

Electron Microscopy image depicting the Palladium- Magnesium Oxide core-shell combination. The white dots are Palladium nanoparticles. The slight haze around each nanoparticle is the porous magnesium oxide shell. The Palladium nanoparticles are not sintered together and maintain spaces between each another because of these shells. This maximizes their ability to react with chemicals.

29 July 2015
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