Electron trap system

Images of the electron trap architecture. Top: Schematic representation of the experiment. Current of surface electrons, induced by ac voltage applied to the electrode underneath reservoir 1, flows between reservoirs 1 and 4, as shown by the red arrow. Middle: Cross section of the central microchannel around the electron trap area.  Bottom: Photograph of the microchannel device on a copper sample cell, with subsequent close-up photographs of the central channel and surrounding reservoirs.

Images of the electron trap architecture. Top: Schematic representation of the experiment. Current of surface electrons, induced by ac voltage applied to the electrode underneath Reservoir 1, flows between Reservoirs 1 and 4 through the central microchannel, as shown by the red arrow. Middle: Cross section of the central microchannel around the trap area.  Bottom: Photograph of the microchannel device on a copper sample cell, with subsequent close-up photographs of the central channel and surrounding reservoirs. 

Images of the electron trap architecture used by the Quantum Dynamics Unit. Top: Schematic representation of the experiment. Current of surface electrons, induced by ac voltage applied to the electrode underneath Reservoir 1, flows between Reservoirs 1 and 4 through the central microchannel, as shown by the red arrow. Middle: Cross section of the central microchannel around the gate area.  Bottom: Photograph of the microchannel device on a copper sample cell, with subsequent close-up photographs of the central channel and surrounding reservoirs. 

20 January 2017
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