OIST Hosts CHEP 2015

Nearly 500 experts in computing for high energy physics gathered at the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University (OIST) in Japan April 13-17 to discuss advances and challenges in data-intensive physics experiments.
The 21st International Conference on Computing in High Energy Physics and Nuclear Physics (CHEP) focused on the latest technologies to streamline data management and how to meet ever-increasing demands. Major physics experiments like those that discovered the Higgs Boson at the Large Hadron Collider require a massive amount of computing power to collect, process and store data.
“The challenges are very large,” said Oliver Gutsche, a staff scientist at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in the United States during his presentation at CHEP. “Capacity will need to increase and we will also need to make more efficient use of our resources if we are to survive the next years of science.”
CHEP is the largest international gathering for computing in high energy physics and takes place every 18 months in different locations around the world.
“I hope you find OIST Graduate University to be an inspiring environment worthy of the inspirational ideas that I know will come out of this workshop,” said OIST President Jonathan Dorfan in his welcome address.
CHEP organizers noted OIST was the ideal venue to exchange ideas in person.
“Good ideas come from relaxed conversations,” said Hiroshi Sakamoto, chair of CHEP 2015 and professor at the University of Tokyo International Center for Elementary Particle Physics. “This is the best location for that. It’s beautiful, there are green trees, you are by the ocean. We are very glad to have the conference here in Okinawa.”
OIST plans to host several more international conferences in the coming years. A new conference center, which will expand dedicated meeting spaces for workshops, will be ready this summer.
“OIST was honored to host such a distinguished group of particle physicists, ” said Youhei Morita, associate vice president for communication and public relations. “We are looking forward to having many other conferences come to OIST and thus help contribute to the economy of Okinawa as well.”
By Laura Petersen
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