eDNA Sampler Backpack (Smith-Root)

Smith-Root eDNA Sampler

For aquatic surveys including oceanic and freshwater species exploration the Smith-Root eDNA Sampler is a wearable field deployable eDNA sampling system that has several settings to improve consistency in repeat sampling. Our system is wearable as a backpack for mobile sampling or can be set on the ground for stationary use. The sampler includes telescoping and trident poles to get deeper or further afield samples.

We have some "1.2 µm Self-Preserving" filters for users who want to take only a few samples, or test feasibility for a study. Users are expected to provide their own filters for consistent use. You can source your filters however you wish, filters can be explored at the Smith-Root website:

For the official methods for using the system please see the official publication:

We have also prepared a document for new users to explain how to use the system.

Smith-Root eDNA ESI Guide
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Workflow options include settings for:

  • Sample Volume (L)
  • Maximum pressure (-PSI)
  • Target flow rate (L/min)
  • Filter clogged alarm (L/min)

The system is also useful for mobile sampling with:

  • GPS tracking for transects
  • ml/m output showing filtered volume per meter distance
  • Triplicate sampling options