Parylene Coater

The Parylene coating system can be used as a protection for components such as circuit boards, sensors, wafers, medical devices, MEMS, etc. Parylene polymers are deposited from the vapor phase by a process that resembles vacuum metallizing but formed at pressure around 10-2Torr. Parylene (poly-para-xylylene) is a generic name for polymers that belong to a unique chemical family and are used as conformal coatings in protective applications. Parylene is applied at room temperature in a vacuum chamber. There is no thermal or mechanical stress on the product due to the deposition process at room temperature. Parylene is physically stable, chemically inert and biocompatible within its usable temperature range. It provides excellent protection from moisture, salt spray, corrosive vapors, solvents, airborne contaminants and other hostile environments. Parylene also provides coatings with a friction coefficient as low as 0.25 to 0.30.
Semiautomatic system Available Dimers: Parylene C Sample up to 4-inch (multi-stage)