Research Update Scientists solve chemical mystery at the interface of biology and technology Findings may help unravel next-generation applications for body-implant communications.
Research Update Scientists synthesize new organometallic “sandwich” compound capable of holding more electrons The finding has potential to open new directions in medicine, catalysis and energy.
Institutional News What we can do now to break down invisible gender barriers This article sheds light on OIST scientists who are working toward a brighter and more equitable society for all
Research Update OIST scientists track microplastics in Okinawa’s sea creatures Researchers are identifying the quantity, type, and origin of microplastics in Okinawa’s marine animals, both captive and wild.
Research Update Cheap, eco-friendly catalyst opens new possibilities for organic molecules built from pyruvate Scientists develop a new organic catalyst system, inspired by enzymes, that improves the process of making organic molecules from an essential biomolecule called pyruvate.