

Nakajima, Y., Wepfer, P. H., & Mitarai, S. (2023). Clonal distribution and spatial genetic structure of the reef-building coral Galaxea fascicularis. Conservation Genetics.

Vogt-Vincent, N. S., Mitarai, S., & Johnson, H. L. (2023). High-frequency variability dominates potential connectivity between remote coral reefs. Limnology and Oceanography.

Kosaka, N., Umemiya, Y., Endou, N., Kura, T., Matsubara, H., Hisada, M., Murata, A., & Mitarai, S. (2023). Simultaneous observations of atmosphere and ocean directly under typhoons using autonomous surface vehicles. SOLA.

Chuang, P-S., Yamada, Y., Liu, P-Y., Tang, S-L., & Mitarai, S. (2023). Bacterial community shifts during polyp bail-out induction in Pocillopora corals. Microbiology Spectrum.

Takeyasu, K., Uchiyama, Y., & Mitarai, S. (2023). Quantifying connectivity between mesophotic and shallow coral larvae in Okinawa Island, Japan: a quadruple nested high-resolution modeling study. Frontiers in Marine Science.

Pezner, A. K., Courtney, T. A., Barkley, H. C., Chou, W.-C., Chu, H.-C., Clements, S. M., Cyronak, T., DeGrandpre, M. D., Kekuewa, S. A. H., Kline, D. I., Liang, Y.-B., Martz, T. R., Mitarai, S., Page, H. N., Rintoul, M. S., Smith, J. E., Soong, K., Takeshita, Y., Tresguerres, M., … Andersson, A. J. (2023). Increasing hypoxia on global coral reefs under ocean warming. Nature Climate Change.

Yamada, Y., Patel, N., Fukuda, H., Nagata, T., Mitarai, S., & Azam, F. (2023). Bacterial surface roughness regulates nanoparticle scavenging in seawater. Limnology and Oceanography.

Vogt-Vincent, N. S., Burt, A. J., Kaplan, D. M., Mitarai, S., Turnbull, L. A., & Johnson, H. L. (2023). Sources of marine debris for Seychelles and other remote islands in the western Indian Ocean. Marine Pollution Bulletin.


Brunner, O., Chen, C., Giguère, T., Kawagucci, S., Tunnicliffe, V., Watanabe, H. K., & Mitarai, S. (2022). Species assemblage networks identify regional connectivity pathways among hydrothermal vents in the Northwest Pacific. Ecology and Evolution.

Rintoul, M. S., Courtney, T. A., Dohner, J. L., Giddings, S. N., Kekuewa, S. A. H., Mitarai, S., Monismith, S. G., Pezner, A. K., & Andersson, A. J. (2022). The effects of light intensity and flow speed on biogeochemical variability within a fringing coral reef in Onna‐son, Okinawa, Japan. Journal of Geophysical Research, C: Oceans.

Ares, Á., Sakai, S., Sasaki, T., Shimamura, S., Mitarai, S., & Nunoura, T. (2022). Sequestration and efflux largely account for cadmium and copper resistance in the deep sea Nitratiruptor sp. SB155-2 (Phylum Campylobacterota). Environmental Microbiology.

Wepfer, P. H., Nakajima, Y., Fujimura, A., Mikheyev, A. S., Economo, E. P., & Mitarai, S. (2022). The oceanographic isolation of the Ogasawara Islands and genetic divergence in a reef‐building coral. Journal of Biogeography.

Mars Brisbin, M., Mitarai, S., Saito, M. A., & Alexander, H. (2022). Microbiomes of bloom-forming Phaeocystis algae are stable and consistently recruited, with both symbiotic and opportunistic modes. The ISME Journal.

Thomas, M., Nakajima, Y., & Mitarai, S. (2022). Extremely Stochastic Connectivity of Island Mangroves. Frontiers in Marine Science.

Ishikawa, K., Wu, H., Mitarai, S., & Genin, A. (2022). Effects of prey density and flow speed on plankton feeding by garden eels: A flume study. The Journal of Experimental Biology.


Breusing, C., Johnson, S. B., Mitarai, S., Beinart, R. A., & Tunnicliffe, V. Differential patterns of connectivity in Western Pacific hydrothermal vent metapopulations: A comparison of biophysical and genetic models. Evolutionary Applications.

Takeyasu, K., Uchiyama, Y., Zhang, X., Matsushita, K., & Mitarai, S. (2021). Three-dimensional connectivity of coral larvae in reef areas on the northwest coast of Okinawa main island, Japan. Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B2 (Coastal Engineering)

Chuang, P.-S., Mitarai, S. Genetic changes involving the coral gastrovascular system support the transition between colonies and bailed-out polyps: evidence from a Pocillopora acuta transcriptome. BMC Genomics

Nakamura, M., Nomura, K., Hirabayashi, I., Nakajima, Y., Nakajima, T., Mitarai, S., Yokochi, H. Management of scleractinian coral assemblages in temperate non-reefal areas: insights from a long-term monitoring study in Kushimoto, Japan (33°N). Marine Biology

Uwizeye, C., Mars Brisbin, M., Gallet, B., Chevalier, F., LeKieffre, C., Schieber, N. L., Falconet, D., Wangpraseurt, D., Schertel, L., Stryhanyuk, H., Musat, N., Mitarai, S., Schwab, Y., Finazzi, G., Decelle, J. Cytoklepty in the plankton: A host strategy to optimize the bioenergetic machinery of endosymbiotic algae. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

Takeda, N., Kashima, M., Odani, S., Uchiyama, Y., Kamidaira, Y., Mitarai, S. Identification of coral spawn source areas around Sekisei Lagoon for recovery and poleward habitat migration by using a particle-tracking model. Scientific Reports.

Chuang, P.-S., Ishikawa, K., Mitarai S., Morphological and genetic recovery of coral polyps after bail-out. Frontiers in Marine Science


Chuang, P-S., Mitarai, S., Signaling pathways in the coral polyp bail-out response. Coral Reefs.

Brisbin, M. M., Conover, A. E., Mitarai, S. Influence of Regional Oceanography and Hydrothermal Activity on Protist Diversity and Community Structure in the Okinawa Trough. Microbial Ecology

Le Gal, M., Mitarai, S., Reef influence quantification in light of the 1771 Meiwa tsunami. Ocean & Coastal Management.

Ares, A*., Brisbin. M. M*., Sato, K. N, Martin J. P., Iinuma, Y., Mitarai, S., Extreme storms cause rapid but short-lived shifts in nearshore subtropical bacterial communities. Environmental Microbiology * equal contribution

Brisbin, M. M., Brunner, O. D., Grossmann, M. M., Mitarai, S., Paired high-throughput, in-situ imaging and high-throughput sequencing illuminate acantharian abundance and vertical distribution. Limnology and Oceanography.

Wepfer, P. H., Nakajima, Y., Sutthacheep, M., Radice, V. Z., Richards, Z., Ang, P., Terraneo, T., Sudek, M., Fujimura, A., Toonen, R. J., Mikheyev, A. S., Economo, E. P., Mitarai, S. Evolutionary biogeography of the reef-building coral genus Galaxea across the Indo-Pacific ocean. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution.

Vogt‐Vincent, N. S., Mitarai, S. A Persistent Kuroshio in the Glacial East China Sea and Implications for Coral Paleobiogeography. Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology

Levin, L. A., Wei, C. L., Dunn, D. C., Amon, D. J., Ashford, O. S., Cheung, W. W. L., Colaco, A., Dominiguez-Carrio, C., Escober E. G., Harden-Davies, H. R., Drazen, J., Ismail, K., Jones, D. O. B., Johnson, D.E., Le, J. T., Lejzerowicz, F., Mitarai, S., Morato, T., Mulsow, S., Snelgrove, P. V. R., Sweetman, A.K., Yasuhara, M., Climate change considerations are fundamental to management of deep‐sea resource extraction. Global Change Biology

Wepfer, P. H., Nakajima, Y., Hui, F. K. C., Mitarai, S., Economo, E. P. Metacommunity ecology of Symbiodiniaceae hosted by the coral Galaxea fascicularis. Marine Ecology Progress Series.


Price, N. N., Muko, S., Legendre, L., Steneck, R., van Oppen, M. J. H., Albright, R., Ang Jr., P., Carpenter, R. C., Chui, A. P. Y., Fan, T.-Y., Gates, R. D., Harii, S., Kitano, H., Kurihara, H., Mitarai, S., Padilla-Gamiño, J. L., Sakai, K., Suzuki, G., Edmunds, P. J. Global biogeography of coral recruitment: tropical decline and subtropical increase. Marine Ecology Progress Series.

Brisbin, M. M. and Mitarai, S. Differential Gene Expression Supports a Resource-Intensive, Defensive Role for Colony Production in the Bloom-Forming Haptophyte, Phaeocystis globosa. Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology.

Gavelis, G. S., Herranz, M., Wakeman, K. C., Ripken, C., Mitarai, S., Gile, G. H., Keeling, P. J., Leander, B. S. Dinoflagellate nucleus contains an extensive endomembrane network, the nuclear net. Scientific Reports.


Nakajima, Y., Chuang, P-S., Ueda, N., Mitarai, S. First evidence of asexual recruitment of Pocillopora acuta in Okinawa Island using genotypic identification. PeerJ

Nakamura, M., Nakajima, Y., Watanabe, H. K., Sasaki, T., Yamamoto, H., Mitarai, S. Spatial variability in recruitment of benthos near drilling sites in the Iheya North hydrothermal field in the Okinawa Trough. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers.

Brisbin, M. M., Mesrop, L. Y., Grossmann, M. M., Mitarai, S. Intra-host Symbiont Diversity and Extended Symbiont Maintenance in Photosymbiotic Acantharea (Clade F). Frontiers in Microbiology

Uchiyama, Y., Odani, S., Kashima, M., Kamidaira, Y., Mitarai, S. Influences of the Kuroshio on Interisland Remote Connectivity of Corals Across the Nansei Archipelago in the East China Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research, C: Oceans.

Guest, J. R., Edmunds, P. J., Gates, R. D., Kuffner, I. B., Andersson, A. J., Barnes, B. B., Chollett, I., Courtney, T. A., Elahi, R., Gross, K., Lenz, E. A., Mitarai, S., Mumby, P. J., Nelson, H. R., Parker, B. A., Putnam, H. M., Rogers, C. S., Toth, L. T. A framework for identifying and characterizing coral reef “oases” against a backdrop of degradation. Journal of Applied Ecology.

Monismith, S. G., Barkdull, M. K., Nunome, Y., Mitarai, S. Transport Between Palau and the Eastern Coral Triangle: Larval Connectivity or Near Misses. Geophysical Research Letters.

Mullineaux, L. S., Metaxas, A., Beaulieu, S. E., Bright, M., Gollner, S., Grupe, B. M., Herrera, S., Kellner, J., Levin, L. A., Mitarai, S., Neubert, M. G., Thurnherr, A. M., Tunnicliffe, V., Kayama Watanabe, H., and Yong-Jin, W. Exploring the ecology of deep-sea hydrothermal vents in a metacommunity framework. Frontiers in Marine Science.

Edmunds, P. J., McIlroy, S. E., Adjeroud, M., Ang, P., Bergman, J. L., Carpenter, R. C., Coffroth, M. A., Fujimura, A. G., Hench, J. L., Holbrook, S. J., Leichter, J. J., Muko, S., Nakajima, Y., Nakamura, M., Paris, C. B., Schmitt, R. J., Sutthacheep, M., Toonen, R. J., Sakai, K., Suzuki, G., Washburn, L., Wyatt, A. S. J., Mitarai, S. Critical Information Gaps Impeding Understanding of the Role of Larval Connectivity Among Coral Reef Islands in an Era of Global Change. Frontiers in Marine Science


Kamidaira, Y., Uchiyama, Y., Mitarai, S. Eddy-induced transport of the Kuroshio warm water around the Ryukyu Islands in the East China Sea. Continental Shelf Research.

Nakajima, Y., Shinzato, C., Khalturina, M., Nakamura, M., Watanabe, H. K., Nakagawa, S., Satoh, N., and Mitarai, S. Isolation and characterization of novel polymorphic microsatellite loci for the deep-sea hydrothermal vent limpet, Lepetodrilus nux, and the vent-associated squat lobster, Shinkaia crosnieriMarine Biodiversity

Nakajima, Y., Nishikawa, A., Iguchi, A., Nagata, T., Uyeno, D., Sakai, K., and Mitarai, S. Elucidating the multiple genetic lineages and population genetic structure of the brooding coral Seriatopora (Scleractinia: Pocilloporidae) in the Ryukyu Archipelago. Coral Reefs

Nakajima, Y., Wepfer, P. H., Suzuki, S., Zayasu, Y., Shinzato, C., Satoh, N., and Mitarai S. Microsatellite markers for multiple Pocillopora genetic lineages offer new insights about coral populations. Scientific Reports

Gavelis, G. S., Wakeman, K. C., Tillmann, U., Ripken, C., Mitarai, S., Herranz, M., Özbek, S., Holstein, T., Keeling, P. J. and Leander, B. S. Microbial arms race: Ballistic “nematocysts” in dinoflagellates represent a new extreme in organelle complexity. Science Advances


Watanabe, H., Yahagi, T., Nagai, Y., Seo, M. H., Kojima, S., Ishibashi, J. I., Yamamoto, H., Fujikura, K., Mitarai, S., Toyofuku, T. Different thermal preferences for brooding and larval dispersal of two neighboring shrimps in deep-sea hydrothermal vent fields. Marine Ecology.

Nakajima, Y., Zayasu, Y., Shinzato, C., Satoh, N., & Mitarai, S. Genetic differentiation and connectivity of morphological types of the broadcast-spawning coral Galaxea fascicularis in the Nansei Islands, Japan. Ecology and Evolution.

Mitarai, S. and McWilliams, J. C. Wave glider observations of surface winds and currents in the core of Typhoon Danas. Geophysical Research Letters

Mitarai, S., Watanabe, H., Nakajima, Y., Shchepetkin, A. F., & McWilliams, J. C. Quantifying dispersal from hydrothermal vent fields in the western Pacific Ocean. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America


Nakajima, Y., Shinzato, C., Satoh, N., and Mitarai, S. Novel Polymorphic Microsatellite Markers Reveal Genetic Differentiation between Two Sympatric Types of Galaxea fascicularisPLoS One

Edmunds, P., Steneck, R., Albright, R., Carpenter, R., Chui, P. Y., Fan, T. Y., Harii, S., Kitano, H., Kurihara, H., Legendre, L., Mitarai, S., Muko, S., Nozawa, Y., Padillo-Gamino, J., Price, N., Sakai, K., Suzuki, G., van Oppen, M. J. H., Yarid, A., Gates, R. D., Geographic variation in long-term trajectories of change in coral recruitment: a global-to-local perspective. Marine & Freshwater Research

Nakamura, M., Kumagai, N. H., Sakai, K., Okaji, K., Ogasawara, K., and Mitarai, S. Spatial variability in recruitment of acroporid corals and predatory starfish along the Onna coast, Okinawa, Japan. Marine Ecology Progress Series.

Nakamura, M., Chen, C., Mitarai, S. Insights into life-history traits of Munidopsis spp. from hydrothermal vent fields in the Okinawa Trough, in comparison with the existing data. Deep-Sea Research I.

Grossmann, M. M., Gallager, S. M., Mitarai, S. Continuous monitoring of near-bottom mesoplankton communities in the East China Sea during a series of typhoons. Journal of Oceanography


Nakajima, Y., Shinzato, C., Khalturina, M., Watanabe, H., Inagaki, F., Satoh, N., and Mitarai, S. Cross-species, amplifiable microsatellite markers for neoverrucid barnacles from deep-sea hydrothermal vents developed using next-generation sequencing. International Journal of Molecular Sciences.

Nakamura, M., Okaji, K., Higa, Y., Yamakawa, E., Mitarai, S. Spatial and temporal population dynamics of the crown-of-thorns starfish, Acanthaster planci, over a 24-year period along the central west coast of Okinawa Island, Japan. Marine Biology.

Nakamura, M., Watanabe, H., Sasaki, T., Ishibashi, J., Fujikura, K., and Mitarai, S. Life history traits of Lepetodrilus nux in the Okinawa Trough, based upon gametogenesis, shell size, and genetic variability. Marine Ecology Progress Series.


White, J. W., Scholz, A. J., Rassweiler, A., Steinback, C., Botsford, L. W., Kruse, S., Costello, C., Mitarai, S., Siegel, D. A., Drake, P. T., Edwards, C. A. A comparison of approaches used for economic analysis in marine protected area network planning in California. Ocean and Coastal Management.

Harrison, C., Siegel, D., Mitarai, S. Filamentation and eddy−eddy interactions in marine larval accumulation and transport. Marine Ecology Progress Series


Nakamura, M., Morita, M., Kurihara, H. and Mitarai, S. Expression of hsp 70, hsp 90, hsf1 in the reef coral Acropora digitifera under prospective acidified conditions over the next several decades. Biology Open

Watson, J., Kendall, B., Siegel, D. and Mitarai, S. Changing Seascapes, Stochastic Connectivity, and Marine Metapopulation Dynamics. American Naturalist 


Alberto, F., Raimondi, P., Reed, D., Watson, J., Siegel, D., Mitarai, S., Coelho, N., and Serrao, E. Isolation by oceanographic distance explains genetic structure for Macrocystis pyrifera in the Santa Barbara Channel, Molecular Ecology

Watson, J., Hays, C., Raimondi, P., Mitarai, S., Dong, C., McWilliams, J., Blanchette, C., Caselle, J. and Siegel, D., Currents connecting communities: nearshore community similarity and ocean circulation. Ecologyhttp://

Watson, J. R., Siegel, D. A., Kendall, B. E., Mitarai, S., Rassweiller, A., Gaines, S. D. Identifying critical regions in small-world marine metapopulations. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.


Selkoe, K. A., Watson, J. R., White, C., Horin, T. B., Iacchei, M., Mitarai, S., Siegel, D. A., Gaines, S. D. and Toonen, R. J. Taking the chaos out of genetic patchiness: seascape genetics reveals ecological and oceanographic drivers of genetic patterns in three temperate reef species. Molecular Ecology.

Watson, J. R., Mitarai, S., Siegel, D. A., Caselle, J. E., Dong, C. and McWilliams, J. C. Realized and potential larval connectivity in the Southern California Bight. Marine Ecology Progress Series

Berkley, H. A., Kendall, B. E., Mitarai, S. and Siegel, D. A. Turbulent dispersal promotes species coexistence. Ecology Letters

Ohlmann, J. C. and Mitarai, S. Lagrangian assessment of simulated surface current dispersion in the coastal ocean. Geophysical Research Letters.