- Psyllou, C., Luman, M., van den Hoofdakker, B. J., Van der Oord, S., ... Shimabukuro, S., ... Tripp, G., ... Groenman, A. (accepted for publication). Mechanisms of Change and Between-Family Differences in Parenting Interventions for Children with ADHD: An Individual Participant Data Meta-Analysis. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry.
- Hulsbosch, A-K., Alsop, B., Dankaerts, M., Van Liefferinge, D., Tripp, G*., Van der Oord, S. (2024). Behavioral and emotional responding to punishment in ADHD: is increased emotionality related to altered behavioral responding? Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology. OPEN ACCESS
- Shimabukuro, S., Oshio, T., Endo, T., Harada, S., Yamashita, Y., Tomada, A., Duo, B., Goto, Y., Ishii, A., Izumi, M., Nakahara, Y., Yamamoto, K., Daley, D., Tripp, G. (2024). A pragmatic randomised controlled trial of the effectiveness and cost effectiveness of Well Parent Japan (WPJ) in routine care in Japan: The Training and Nurturing Support FOR Mothers (TRANSFORM) study. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 65 (12). OPEN ACCESS
- Bado, P., Salum, G., Rohde, L., Gadelha, A., Pan, P., Miguel, E., Tripp, G., Furukawa, E. (2024). Is waiting for rewards good for you? No association between impulsive choice, psychopathology, and functional outcomes in a large cohort sample. JCPP Advances. OPEN ACCESS
- Oguchi, M., Furukawa, E., Nagahama, N., Dilhari Perera, K., Tripp, G. (2024). Relationships between experimental task and questionnaire measures of reward/punishment sensitivity in attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): protocol for a scoping review. BMJ open, e078026. OPEN ACCESS
- Tripp, G., & Wickens, J. (2024). Using rodent data to elucidate dopaminergic mechanisms of ADHD: Implications for human personality. Personality Neuroscience, 7. OPEN ACCESS.
- Hulsbosch, A-K., Beckers, T., De Meyer, H., Danckaerts, M., Van Liefferinge, D., Tripp, G*,. Van der Oord, S. (2023). Instrumental learning and behavioral persistence in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity-disorder: does reinforcement frequency matter? The Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 64(11). OPEN ACCESS. *joint senior author
- Gosling, C. J., Caparos, S., Pinabiaux, C., Schwarzer, G., Rücker, G., Agha, S. S., ... , Tripp, G., .... Cortese, S. (2023). Association between relative age at school and persistence of ADHD in prospective studies: an individual participant data meta-analyses. The Lancet Psychiatry, 10 (12). OPEN ACCESS
- Furukawa, E., Oguchi, M., Nagahama, N., Tripp, G., Wickens, J. (2023). ADHD: Hypothesised effects of methylphenidate on reinforcement processing (Japanese article). Japanese Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology, 26, 973-979.
- Bado, P., de Costa, R., Bernardes, C., Tripp G., Mattos, P., Furukawa, E. (2023). Needs assessment for behavioral parent training for ADHD in Brazil. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 14. OPEN ACCESS
- Furukawa, E., Alsop, B., Alves, H., Vorderstrasse, V., Carrasco, K., Chuang, C., Tripp, G. (2023). Disrupted waiting behavior in ADHD: exploring the impact of reward availability and predictive cues. Child Neuropsychology, 29, 76-95. OPEN ACCESS
- Silic, B., Aggarwal, M., Liyanagama, K., Tripp, G., Wickens, J.R. (2023). Conditioned approach behavior of SHR and SD rats during Pavlovian conditioning. Behavioral Brain Research, 443. OPEN ACCESS
- Furukawa, E., Bado, P., da Costa, R., Melo, B., Erthal, P., de Oliveira, I., Wickens, J., Moll, J., Tripp, G., Mattos, P. (2022) Reward modality modulates striatal responses to reward anticipation in ADHD: Effects of affiliative and food stimuli. Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging (327), 111561. OPEN ACCESS
- Furukawa, E., Uchida, R., Tatsuki, M., Fitts, M., Tripp, G. (2022) Wishes of Children of ADHD. Frontiers in Psychiatry (13), 885496. OPEN ACCESS
- Figueiredo, T., Tortes, D., Ayrao, V., Bernardes, C., Oloveira, N., Soares, R., da Costa, R. Q. M., Sudo, F., Tripp, G., Serra-Pinheiro, M. A., Mattos, P. (2022). Use of the Brazilian version of the Interpersonal Negotiation Strategies Interview (INSI) in a child and adolescent sample: a pilot study. Trends in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, 44. doi.org/10.47626/2237-6089-2020-0136
- Shimabukuro, S. Daley, D., Endo, T., Harada, S., Tomoda, A., Yamashita, Y., Oshio, T., Guo, B., Ishii, A., Izumi, M., Nakahara, Y., Yamamoto, K., Yao, A., Tripp, G. (2022). The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of Well Parent Japan for Japanese mothers of children with ADHD: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial, JMIR Research Protocols, Vol 11 No 4. OPEN ACCESS
- Carrasco KD, Chuang CC, Tripp G (2022). Shared Predictors of Academic Achievement in Children with ADHD: A Multi-Sample Study. J Atten Disord, 26(4), 573-586. https://doi.org/10.1177/10870547211012039
- Figueiredo, T, Sudo F, Serra-Pinheiro MA, Tripp G, Mattos P (2022). Interpersonal Negotiation Skills in ADHD. Social Neuroscience, 17(1), 86-93. https://doi.org/10.1080/17470919.2021.2025424
- Hulsbosch AK, De Meyer H, Beckers T, Danckaerts M, Van Liefferinge D, Tripp G, Van der Oord S (2021). Systematic Review: Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Instrumental Learning. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry,60(11), 1367-1381. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jaac.2021.03.009
- Furukawa, E, Alsop B, Shimabukuro S, Sowerby P, Jensen S, Tripp G (2021). Increased Behavioral Sensitivity to Repeated Experiences of Punishment in Children with ADHD: Experimental Studies Using the Matching Law. J Atten Disord, 25(12), 1665. (published abstract) https://doi.org/10.1177/1087054720914384
- De Meyer H, Tripp G, Beckers T, Van der Oord, S (2021). Conditional Learning Deficits in Children with ADHD can be Reduced through Reward Optimization and Response-Specific Reinforcement. Res Child Adolesc Psychopathol, 49, 1165-1178. 10.1007/s10802-021-00781-5
- Carruthers S, Taylor L, Sadiq H, Tripp G (2021). The Profile of Pragmatic Language Impairments in Children with ADHD: A Systematic Review. Dev Psychopathol, 1-23. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0954579421000328
- Sayão A, Alves H, Furukawa E, Wenk TS, Cagy M, Gutierrez-Arango S, Tripp G, Caparelli-Dáquer E (2021). Development of a Classical Conditioning Task for Humans Examining Phasic Heart Rate Responses to Signaled Appetitive Stimuli: A Pilot Study. Front Behav Neurosci, 15. https://doi.org/10.3389/fnbeh.2021.639372
- De Meyer, H., Tripp, G., Beckers, T., van der Oord, S. (2021). Operamt :erem bij kinderen met ADHD. Terug Naar de basis van gedragstherapie Gedragstherapie: tijdschrift voor gedragstherapie en cognitieve therapie, 54(3), 139-164. (Dutch translation/publication).
- Faraone, SV., Banaschewski, T., Coghill, D., Zheng, Y., Biederman, J., ...& Tripp, G…. (2021). The world federation of ADHD international consensus statement: 208 evidence-based conclusions about the disorder. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews: OPEN ACCESS
- Tripp, G. & Furukawa, E. (2020). What is the contribution of altered motivational processing to ADHD? Implications for psychosocial management. Japanese Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: 61(3), 225-242.
- Van der Oord, S., & Tripp, G. (2020). How to Improve Behavioral Parent Training for Children with ADHD: Integrating Empirical Research on Learning and Motivation into Treatment. Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review, 23, 577-604. OPEN ACCESS
- Shimabukuro, S., Daley, D., Thompson, M., Laver-Bradbury, D., Lovern, K., & Tripp, G. (2020). Supporting Japanese mothers of children at risk for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): A small scale randomized control trial of Well Parent Japan. Journal of Child and Family Studies. OPEN ACCESS
- da Costa, R.Q.M., Furukawa, E., Hoefle, S., Moll, J., Tripp, G., Mattos, P. (2020). An adaptation of Pavlovian-to-Instrumental transfer (PIT) methodology to examine the energizing effects of reward-predicting cues on behavior in young adults. Frontiers in Psychology. OPEN ACCESS
- Furukawa, E., da Costa, R.Q.M., Bado, P., Hoefle, S., Vigne, P., Monteiro, M., Wickens, J.R., Moll, J., Tripp, G., Mattos, P. (2020). Methylphenidate modifies reward cue responses in adults with ADHD: An fMRI study. Neuropharmacology, 162. OPEN ACCESS
- Furukawa, E., Alsop, B., Shimabukuro, S., & Tripp, G. (2019). Is increased sensitivity to punishment a characteristic of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder? An experimental study of response allocation in Japanese children. Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder, 11, 433-443. OPEN ACCESS
- Furukawa, E., Alsop, B., Caparelli-Dáquer, E.M., Barbante Casella, E., da Costa, R.Q.M., de Moura Queiroz, P., Galvão, P.A., da Silva Benevides, L.R., Jucá-Vasconcelos, H.P., & Tripp, G. (2019). Behavioral adjustment to asymmetric reward availability among children with and without ADHD: Effects of past and current reinforcement contingencies. Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder, 11, 148-158. OPEN ACCESS
- De Meyer, H., Beckers, T., Tripp, G., & van der Oord, S. (2019). Deficits in conditional discrimination learing in children with ADHD are independent of delay aversion and working memory. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 8(9), 1381. OPEN ACCESS
- De Meyer, H, Beckers, T., Tripp, G., van der Ooord, S. (2019). Reinforcement contingency learning in children with ADHD: back to the basics of behavior therapy. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 47, 1889-1902. OPEN ACCESS