OIST President Markides speaks at the J-PEAKS Kickoff Symposium

The President introduced the OIST-neXus Strategy to realize the university’s 10-year vision.

J-PEAKS Kickoff Symposium

On July 5, 2024, the Kickoff Symposium of the Program for Forming Japan's Peak Research Universities (J-PEAKS) was held by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) in Tokyo and online. President and CEO of Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST) Karin Markides introduced the university's J-PEAKS program.

The symposium featured opening remarks by Tsuyoshi Sugino, President of JSPS, and Masahito Moriyama, Minister of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, as well as a keynote speech by Koetsu Yamazaki, Chair of the J-PEAKS Project Promotion Committee, and presentations on their FY2023 projects by the twelve recipient universities , including OIST.

President Markides explained the OIST-neXus Strategy, which is being implementated with the support of J-PEAKS. The strategy aims to maximize the potential of OIST, its partners and the community’s capabilities by interlinking the three driving forces of excellence, innovation, and local-to-global contribution.

President's presentation at the J-PEAKS Kickoff Symposium
President and CEO Karin Markides introduces the OIST-neXus Strategy at the J-PEAKS Kickoff Symposium.
President and CEO Karin Markides introduces the OIST-neXus Strategy at the J-PEAKS Kickoff Symposium.

President Markides explained how “in overcoming the various challenges facing a young and unique university like OIST, we are focusing on maturing as a peer research university that engages with the world's top universities. Throughout this process, we act as a gateway to Japan and a bridge between Japan and the world. We aim to be an active contributor to mobility and collaboration in a group of research universities that strengthens Japan's research capabilities.”

While holistically bolstering external links, which is the concept of the neXus, OIST will move forward in unity as a “One OIST.”

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