The published manuscripts are made available for use in teaching and research. All copyrights remain with the appropriate parties as listed in the manuscripts themselves.
- A Ghosh, MM. Bandi, and S Ghosh, "Popping: A granular transition" Phys. Rev. Research 6, 033255 (2024)
- F Ziadi-Künzli, K Maeda, P Puchenkov, MM Bandi, "Anatomical insights into fish terrestrial locomotion: A study of barred mudskipper (Periophthalmus argentilineatus) fins based on μCT 3D reconstructions" Journal of Anatomy, 245(4), 593–624. (2024)
- G Bel and MM Bandi, "Spectral analysis of solar-irradiance fluctuations" Physical Review Applied, 21(3), 034019. (2024)
- MM Bandi, N Ishizu, H.-B Kang, "Electrocharging face masks with corona discharge treatment" Proc. Roy. Soc. A. 477, 20210062 (2021).
- MM Bandi, "Electrocharged facepiece respirator fabrics from common materials" Proc. Roy. Soc. A. 476, 20200469 (2020).
- M Venkadesan, A Yawar, C Eng, MA Dias, DK Singh, A Haims, SM Tommasini, MM Bandi, and S Mandre, "Stiffness of the human foot and evolution of the transverse arch" Nature 579, 97 (2020).
- Tamoghna Das and MM Bandi, "Steady state dynamic dependence between local mobility and non-affine fluctuations in two-dimensional aggregates" J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 32, 214004 (2020).
- F Paraz and MM Bandi, "Second order structure functions for higher powers of turbulent velocity" J. Phys.: Condens. Matter31, 484001 (2019). PDF
- G Bel and MM Bandi, "Geographic dependence of the solar irradiance spectrum at intermiedate to high frequencies" Phys. Rev. Applied 12, 024302 (2019). PDF
- MM Bandi, P Das, O Gendelman, HGE Hentschel, and I Procaccia, "Universal scaling laws for shear induced dilation in frictional granular media" Granular Matter21, 40 (2019).
- K Klima, J Apt, MM Bandi, P Happy, C Loutan, and R Young, "Geographic smoothing of solar photovoltaic electric power production in the western USA" J. Renew. and Sustain. Energy 10, 053504 (2018).
- VS Akella, MM Bandi, HGE Hentschel, I Procaccia, and S Roy, "Force Distributions in Frictional Granular Media" Phys. Rev. E. 98, 012905 (2018).
- MM Bandi, HGE Hentschel, I Procaccia, S Roy, and J Zylberg, "Training, Memory, and Universal Scaling in Amorphous Frictional Granular Matter" Europhys. Lett. 122, 38003 (2018).
- MM Bandi, "Tension grips the flow" J. Fluid Mech. 846, 1 (2018).
- N Iikawa, MM Bandi, and H Katsuragi, "Force chain evolution in a two-dimensional granular packing compacted by vertical tappings." Phys. Rev. E. 97, 032901 (2018).
- VS Akella, DK Singh, S Mandre and MM Bandi, "Dynamics of a camphoric acid boat at the air-water interface" Phys. Lett. A 382, 1176 (2018).
2018-01.pdf - MM Bandi, VS Akella, DK Singh, RS Singh and S Mandre, "Hydrodynamic signatures of stationary Marangoni-driven surfactant transport" Phys. Rev. Lett.119, 264501 (2017). PDF
- S Basu, A Yawar, A Concha and MM Bandi, "On angled bounce-off impact of a drop impinging on a flowing soap film" Fluid Dyn. Res. 49, 065509 (2017).
2017-4.pdf - C Peco, W Chen, Y Liu, MM Bandi , JE Dolbow, and E Fried, "Influence of surface tension in the surfactant-driven fracture of closely-packed particulate monolayers" Soft Matter 13, 5832 (2017).
2017-03_0.pdf - KD Nguyen, N Yu, MM Bandi, M Venkadesan and S Mandre, "Curvature-induced stiffening of a fish fin", J. Roy. Soc. Interface 14, 20170247 (2017).
2017-2.pdf - M Venkadesan, S Mandre, and Bandi MM "Biological feet: Evolution, mechanics and applications", Chapter 7.1, Bio-inspired Legged Locomotion, Ed. M. Sharbafi and A. Seyfarth, Elsevier Science (2017).
- MM Bandi, "Spectrum of Wind Power Fluctuations" Phys. Rev. Lett.118, 028301 (2017).
2017-1.pdf - Makoto Araki, MM Bandi, and Y. Yazaki-Sugiyama, "Mind the gap: Neural coding of species identity in birdsong prosody", Science 354, 1282 (2016).
- Tamoghna Das, T Lookman, and MM Bandi, "Morphology dictated heterogeneous dynamics in two-dimensional aggregates", Soft Matter 12, 9674 (2016).
2016-5.pdf - Mahesh M. Bandi and Jay Apt, "Variability of the Wind Turbine Power Curve", Appl. Sci. 6, 262 (2016).
2016-4.pdf - N Iikawa, MM Bandi and H Katsuragi, "Sensitivity of Granular Force Chain Orientation to Disorder-induced Metastable Relaxation", Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 128001 (2016).
2016-3.pdf - G Bel, CP Connaughton, M Toots and MM Bandi, "Grid-scale fluctuations and forecast error in wind power", New J. Phys. 18, 023015 (2016)
2016-2.pdf - Ravi Singh, MM Bandi, Amala Mahadevan and Shreyas Mandre, "Linear stability analysis for monami in a submerged sea grass bed", J. Fluid. Mech. 786, R1(2016)
2015-4.pdf - Thierry Savin, MM Bandi and L Mahadevan, "Pressure-driven occlusive flow of a confined red blood cell", Soft Matter 12, 562 (2015)
2015-3.pdf - Naoki Iikawa, Mahesh M. Bandi and Hiroaki Katsuragi, "Structural evolution of a granular pack under manual tapping", J. Phys. Soc. Japan 84, 094401 (2015)
2015-2.pdf - Tamoghna Das, T Lookman and MM Bandi, "A minimal parameter description of morphological hierarchy in two-dimensional aggregates", Soft Matter 11, 6740 (2015)
2015-1.pdf - MM Bandi, A Concha, R Wood and L Mahadevan, "A pendulum in a flowing soap film", Phys. Fluids. 25, 041702 (2013)
2013-3.pdf - MM Bandi, MK Rivera, F Krzakala and RE Ecke, "Fragility and hysteretic creep in frictional granular jamming", Phys. Rev. E. 87, 042205 (2013)
2013-2.pdf - AC Slim, MM Bandi, JC Miller and L Mahadevan, "Dissolution-driven convection in a Hele-Shaw cell", Phys. Fluids.25, 024101 (2013)
2013-1.pdf - MM Bandi, T Tallinen and L Mahadevan, "Shock-driven jamming and periodic fracture of particulate rafts", Europhys. Lett.96, 36008 (2011)
2011-01.pdf - M Roper, A Seminara, MM Bandi, A Cobb, HR Dillard and A Pringle, "Dispersal of fungal spores in a cooperatively generated wind", Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci.107, 104747 (2010)
2010-02.pdf - J Larkin, WI Goldburg and MM Bandi, "Time evolution of a fractal distribution: particle concentrations in free-surface turbulence", Physica D239, 1264 (2010)
2010-01.pdf - J Larkin, MM Bandi, WI Goldburg and A Pumir, "Power-law distribution of particle concentration in free-surface flows", Phys. Rev. E.80, 066301 (2009)
2009-02.pdf - MM Bandi, SG Chumakov and CP Connaughton, "Probability distribution of power fluctuations in turbulence", Phys. Rev. E.79, 016309 (2009)
2009-01.pdf - MM Bandi and CP Connaughton, "Craig's XY-distribution and the statistics of Lagrangian power in two-dimensional turbulence", Phys. Rev. E.77, 036318 (2008)
2008-02.pdf - MM Bandi, JR Cressman Jr. and WI Goldburg, "Test of the Fluctuation Relation in Lagrangian turbulence on a free surface", J. Stat. Phys.130, 27 (2008)
2008-01.pdf - MM Bandi, WI Goldburg and JR Cressman Jr., "Measurement of the Entropy Production Rate in compressible turbulence", Europhys. Lett.76, 595 (2006)
2006-03.pdf - MM Bandi, JR Cressman Jr., WI Goldburg, H Kellay, "Where surface physics and fluid dynamics meet: Rupture of an amphiphile layer at the air-water interface", J. Chem. Phys.124, 104701 (2006)
2006-02.pdf - MM Bandi, WI Goldburg, JR Cressman Jr. and A Pumir, "Energy flux fluctuations in a finite volume of turbulent flow", Phys. Rev. E.73, 026308 (2006)