FY2011 Annual Report

Collective Interations Unit

Professor Mahesh Bandi

nnp FY2011 Annual Report Mahesh M. Bandi

Mahesh M. Bandi
Assistant Professor


Yoko Kudeken
Group Administrator


The Collective Interactions Unit is broadly interested in the experimental investigation of macroscopic phenomena that arise from collective interactions of individual units or entitites, be they biological, chemical, or physical in origin. We borrow experimental and analytical techniques from several fields, and see them as a means to an end, with the problem guiding us on what tools to deploy. The problems we study arise both in the natural and engineered contexts, and normally fall in one of the following general categories:

  • Commonplace phenomena easily replicated in the lab, but not easily understood because they lie at the intersection of formal disciplines.
  • Phenomena normally associated with a particular system, which through mathematical anology, may be studied in a different context.

Note: Dr. Bandi’s employment as faculty at OIST started on September 1, 2011. He spent the 2011-12 academic year as visiting faculty with the School of Engineering, Brown University because Lab 2 was still under construction. The Collective Interactions Unit will commence formal research operations at OIST starting July 2, 2012.

1. Staff

  • Mahesh M. Bandi, Assistant Professor
  • Ms. Yoko Kudeken, Group Administrator

2. Collaborations


3. Activities and Findings


4. Publications

4.1 Journals

MM Bandi, T Tallinen and L Mahadevan, "Shock-driven jamming and periodic jamming of particulate rafts", Europhys. Lett.96, 36008 (2011).

[Note: Research conducted at Los Alamos National Laboratory and Harvard University. The paper was published after start of employment with OIST].

4.2 Books and other one-time publications


4.3 Oral and Poster Presentations

  • Title: Shock-driven jamming and periodic fracture at particulate interfaces.
  • Conference: Fluids Seminar, Brown University, November 17, 2011.
  • Location: School of Engineering, Brown University.
  • Presentation Type: Invited colloquium talk.
  • Title: Shock-driven jamming and periodic fracture at particulate interfaces.
  • Conference: Dynamics Days 2012, January 4-7, 2012.
  • Location: Sheraton Inner Harbor Hotel, Maryland, USA.
  • Presentation Type: Contributed talk.
  • Title: Shock-driven jamming and periodic fracture at particulate interfaces.
  • Conference: Center Colloquium. January 12, 2012.
  • Location: Center for Softmatter Research, New York University
  • Presentation Type: Invited Talk.
  • Title: Shock-driven jamming and periodic fracture at particulate interfaces.
  • Conference: JA Krumhansl Conference on Unifying concepts in materials, International Center for Theoretical Sciences, India. February 6-8, 2012.
  • Location: National Center for Biological Sciences, Bangalore, India.
  • Presentation Type: Invited talk.
  • Title: Study of waving of grass using a soap film model.
  • Conference: Annual March Meeting of the American Physical Society, Feb 29 – Mar 2, 2012.
  • Location: Boston Convention Center, Boston.
  • Presentation Type: Contributed Talk.

5. Intellectual Property Rights and Other Specific Achievements


6. Meetings and Events

6.1 Seminar


7. Other
