

The groups offers places for intern students, who want to work on a research project for a minimum time of three month. Applications for this opportunity have to be submitted through the OIST Graduate School and all information can be found here. We are looking for highly motivated students with good knowledge of quantum mechanics, who would like to contribute to an ongoing research project. While topics will in general be in the area of cold quantum systems, the exact projects will be discussed with each successful student.

PhD Positions

The OIST Graduate School runs an international and fully funded PhD programme in English. Applications can be submitted anually and all details can be found here. Students with an interest in theoretical and experimental optics, quantum mechanics or condensed matter will find interesting opportunities at OIST.

Post-doctoral Fellowships

JSPS offers standard and short term post-doc fellowships, with deadlines for application twice a year (late April and early September). If you would like to apply for this opportunity, please check the details of the programme here and get in touch with Prof. Busch about the required support. 

It is worth noting that applicants from a number of countries can submit a nomination to this programme from their overseas authority. Please see the list of eligible countries and the related information here.

Post-doctoral Positions

We currently have a number of post-doctoral positions available. Please see all details below or here.

Image of a document listing postdoctoral position openings.