Transgenic zebrafish cells expressing mCherry-zGem and GFP-histones

Zebrafish lens epithelial cells were bioengineered to express fluorescent proteins mCherry-zGem and GFP-tagged histones. Early in the cell cycle, only GFP-histones are expressed, resulting in a green color. As the cell progresses through the cell cycle, mCherry-zGem is expressed at progressively higher levels, shifting the cell’s apparent color along the color spectrum ending in a deep red color.

Zebrafish lens epithelial cells were bioengineered to express fluorescent proteins mCherry-zGem and GFP-tagged histones. Early in the cell cycle, only GFP-histones are expressed, resulting in a green color. As the cell progresses through the cell cycle, mCherry-zGem is expressed at progressively higher levels, shifting the cell’s apparent color along the color spectrum ending in a deep red color. 

Zebrafish lens epithelial cells were bioengineered to express fluorescent proteins mCherry-zGem and GFP-tagged histones. Early in the cell cycle, only GFP-histones are expressed, resulting in a green color. As the cell progresses through the cell cycle, mCherry-zGem is expressed at progressively higher levels, shifting the cell’s apparent color along the color spectrum ending in a deep red color. 

14 February 2017
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