Octopus bimaculoides, also known as the Californian two-spot octopus (1)

Octopus bimaculoides, also known as the Californian two-spot octopus, whose genome was sequenced. The Californian two-spot octopus is immediately recognizable from the blue spots on either side of its head. The spots are a pair of false eyes that can glow, and are used to fool both victims and larger predators into thinking they are its actual eyes. This species lives for one to two years.
Octopus bimaculoides, also known as the Californian two-spot octopus, whose genome was sequenced.
The Californian two-spot octopus is immediately recognizable from the blue spots on either side of its head. The spots are a pair of false eyes that can glow, and are used to fool both victims and larger predators into thinking they are its actual eyes. This species lives for one to two years.
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