The Onna-1 Strain of Ito-Mozuku

Mozuku, a type of brown seaweed, contains exceptionally high levels of fucoidan compared to other seaweeds. This is especially true of the sporophyte of the “Onna-1” strain of ito-mozuku, a very big, chewy and slimy seaweed specimen cultivated in Onna, Okinawa. Fucoidan is thought to have many health benefits, such as preventing the formation of tumors and blood clots.
Mozuku, a type of brown seaweed, contains exceptionally high levels of fucoidan compared to other seaweeds. This is especially true of the sporophyte of the “Onna-1” strain of ito-mozuku, a very big, chewy and slimy seaweed specimen. Fucoidan is thought to have many health benefits, such as preventing the formation of tumors and blood clots.
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