Exchanging opinions on higher education in Japan

Nobuo Yasue, Parliamentary Secretary for Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, visited OIST

Group photo - visit by Mr. Yasue

On September 9, 2024, Nobuo Yasue, Parliamentary Secretary for Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, visited the Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology (OIST).

After welcoming remarks from Dr. Karin Markides, OIST President and CEO, she introduced OIST's strategy, noting that “it is important that we work together to add value to this wonderful investment by the Japanese government, for the benefit of the Japanese people. We are very grateful for this and we look forward to a good discussion together.” Secretary General & Vice CEO Shigeharu Kato then explained the history and outline of OIST, the features and results of the research system, and how various initiatives are fostering innovation. Finally, Professor Thomas Busch, Dean of the Graduate School, outlined the features of the OIST PhD program.

After the discussion, Mr. Yasue toured the campus with Mr. Kato, and at the Marine Genomics Unit, Prof. Noriyuki Satoh's presented a wide range of topics in genomic research on marine life, including new coral reef monitoring technology using eDNA.

Prof. Satoh explains his research to Mr. Yasue
Parliamentary Secretary for Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Nobuo Yasue, listens to Prof. Noriyuki Satoh of the OIST Marine Genomics Unit (September 9, 2024)
Parliamentary Secretary for Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Nobuo Yasue, listens to Prof. Noriyuki Satoh of the OIST Marine Genomics Unit (September 9, 2024)

Mr. Yasue expressed his appreciation of the visit, sharing that “this is my first time visiting the OIST campus, and I was very impressed by the research and education taking place in this wonderful environment overlooking the ocean.” He also shared his vision for OIST, in that ”I have high expectations for OIST to make a significant contribution to strengthening Japan's research capabilities, to international progress, and to regional development in Okinawa, and I understand that OIST is steadily achieving these goals.”

During the visit, the group explored the unique issues facing Japanese universities from a global perspective. “The Japanese university education system has its own traditions and strengths, and I am interested in discussing how to develop it as a unique Japanese system while making the most of these,” noted President Markides. She also spoke about the importance of close collaboration between industry and academia regarding the mobility of human resources for academia and the role of universities in educating the next generation of leaders, as well as the importance of science education for local children.

You can see more photos here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/oistedu/albums/72177720320214693/

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