The team from Tupac.Bio

Eli Lyons (center) with his colleagues from Tupac.Bio—Paul Sheridan (left) and Justin Kovalchuk (right). Paul and Justin have remained based in mainland Japan, whereas Eli has relocated to Okinawa with one other colleague—Charlane Joy Cardos—to work on their new business line, GenomeMiner.

Eli Lyons (center) with his colleagues from Tupac.Bio—Paul Sheridan (left) and Justin Kovalchuk (right). Paul and Justin have remained based in mainland Japan, whereas Eli has relocated to Okinawa with one other colleague—Charlane Joy Cardos—to work on their new business line, GenomeMiner. This image appeared in the news article ‘Driving industrial innovation in Okinawa’.

01 July 2021
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